Graduation and a coffee shop

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Yoongi and I spent almost every minute of every day together, besides when we had class, for his last two weeks. His graduation was today and I didn't really know how to feel. It was bittersweet really, on one hand he was finally leaving all the drama and starting his successful career but on the other hand I wouldn't get to be around him during school. As I helped him tie his tie I couldn't help but occasionally look up to see him smile "You ready to be done?" I asked already knowing the answer "Yes but I kinda don't want to leave you all by yourself" he pouted and I replied "I won't be alone silly, I have the girls" I finished tying and stepped back "The girls aren't me though... what if I just took some unnecessary classes and stayed-" I chuckled at his response while placing my hand on the side of his face "No... you're gonna graduate and go do all the amazing things I know you can do" he gave a gentle smile and went in for a kiss before there was a knock at the door. We stood in annoyance at the sound but were quickly foooded with all of our friends walking in "Oh my gosh!" "Congratulations!" "You guys did it!!" everyone was so excited it was hard to stay mad at them for interrupting. "Yoongi Hyung why does your tie look so perfect?" Namjoon asked as he walked in with a very crooked tie "Ahh, your sister did it" he winked at me and before Namjoon could reply I had already made my way towards him to fix his.

"Okay look here! 1,2,3!"Tae offered to take a few pictures of the boys before the ceremony because he was taking a minor in photography next semester. "Brissa take one with Namjoon!" he yelled and who was I to say no to a graduation picture with my big brother. I stood next to Namjoon and smiled before Yoongi came and joined our picture "Noo Yoongi hyung get out!!" Tae rolled his eyes before Yoongi responded "Why? she's my girlfriend and he's my bestfriend so win win" he reached down to kiss me on the cheek while Namjoon made the face of disgust and Tae snapped the picture. It was a long ceremony because of how many graduating students but finally after 3 hours we were walking over to the cars "Brissa you'll join us for dinner right?" Yoongis Mom asked "Yes please we'd love to have you join!" Yoongis parents were always so nice to me when I was just Namjoons little sister Brissa, but now I'm Yoongis girlfriend, Namjoons little sister Brissa and they're 100times nicer. "Yes of course! Is it okay if I change first? I hate wearing heels unless it's absolutely necessary" everyone laughed at my comment before approving and dismissing Yoongi and I. Back at his apartment I planned to change into jeans and a nice crop top, but Yoongi stayed in his suit so I kept on my dress and just changed my shoes "You know I forgot to tell you, you look amazing" "Wow.. that time almost sounded sexual baby" "Well Suga... I couldn't hide it forever..." I winked as he walked towards me, wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up off the floor and kissed me. It all happened so fast I hadn't even realized he carried me into his bedroom....

2years later

"Alright text me what you want and I'll be there soon okay? I love you byee!" I didn't mean to rush off the phone but I had pulled up to cafe so there was no point in staying on the phone. "Yes 2 large Chais, one with everything and the other just plain" The blue and grey cafe was mine and Yoongis favorite because they always made the best Chais! Once Yoongi graduated he was in the studio all the time, he'd come home by 4am but to his surprise I was usually up eating cereal or whatever sounded good that night. Occasionally I would visit him in the studio and take lunch or coffee just so he could relax a little. He's been working on a project called Agust D but he won't tell me anything else about it, I don't even know who Agust D is... "Order for Bris-" I come to this cafe alot so I know mostly everyone that works here, but that voice didn't sound familiar, but then again it did. I turned around to meet eyes with the barista passing me my drink... better known as Jennie. "Uhm.. have a nice day..." before I could say anything to her she quickly made her way to the back of the store. I cant believe it... Jennie fucking Kim.. a barista.

I got to the huge 'Bighit' building Yoongi works at and made my way to his studio room. I always laughed before stepping in to the room because his door mat was a cat flipping everybody off that read "Go away". I rolled my eyes and quietly entered, as soon as the door opened Yoongi got up and helped me bring everything inside "Goodmorning how's my baby??" he asked. "Ahh she's good, had breakfast, went to the coffee shop, and now.. well seeing daddy!" I replied as he kissed my forehead then continued to unbuckle the belts and picked up his daughter from the car seat "Aishh daddy's big girl!" Everytime Yoongi did anything with our daughter it made my heart melt and I couldn't help but smile. I watched him as he rubbed his nose with hers and proceeded to say how much he loves her and how happy he was that she was born. As they stood in front of me I began to reminisce about before she was born I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks after Yoongi graduated, and we just assumed it happened the day of his graduation. When I told him I remember he tried to hold back every tear he had but one was lucky enough to escape, he never stopped smiling though. Then after 7 hours of labor I pushed out the little angel we have now and he held her just the same back then as he is now. "So you and the girls are going shopping for graduation today or tomorrow?" Yoongi asked, snapping me out of my trance "Ugh! Tonight is Joon oppas rehearsal dinner... tomorrow we're going shopping and then Monday is graduation" I wasn't frustrated because I know how busy he is, but I enjoyed playing annoyed so then he'd baby me... I learned a lot being pregnant with his child. "Okay okay I'm sorry, I'll be on diaper duty tonight yeah?" see.. "Awe.. if you insist..." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes before sitting next to me on the small couch "Oh! you'll never guess who I saw at the cafe right now!!!" I jumped where I was seated out of excitement "Who???" "Jennie!! she served me my drinks!" I knew it was childish but after everything she put me through it was nice to see her fail. "No!!! I wonder what happened to her modeling career!" Yoongi and I laughed and then I realized our daughter was smiling, for the first time she had finally cracked a smile. "Ooo baby look!!!" I felt the tears build up but quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of a rare smiling Yoongi and even rarer smiling baby. Yoongi grabbed my head and kissed my forehead "I cant believe we made this... I love you" then the tears fell "I love you too"

While we waited for Mich and Hobi to show up to the rehearsal, V and I bonded over being pregnant "I don't know how you did it.. my feet are killing me!!" V had moved out to London, last year, to finish college and patch up her relationship with Harry...they obviously patched it up well if she ended up pregnant. "Girl you're almost there! Don't worry, you're gonna want another after seeing their little smile" I was talking to V but my eyes wouldn't leave Yoongi, he just looked so good, so happy and for some reason so determinedly anxious. "She smiled finally??? no more Min syndrome??" Min syndrome is what everyone said my baby had because she never smiled.. they said 'it's the Min in her' luckily I know how to make her smile now.. "Yes today we were talking about Jennie failing and being a barista and we laughed... and she smiled.." I once again got teary eyed but they went away when the doors swung open "Sorry we're late guys..." Michi announced as she walked towards the seat next to me "Why are you so late!? Joon is furious!" I asked "Uhm... we.. uhm-" Mich was hesitating to answer but to her luck Namjoon cut her off "Not furious... it's okay" he smiled that big smile and directed everyone to sit down. Hoseok was already in front of his chair before looking around in confusion "Where's my mini Min?? Why isn't she here?" I laughed at his questions "Hobi we couldn't bring a baby to a wedding rehearsal dinner now shh!" Everyone laughed and the rehearsal commenced. Right before everyone left the main lights in the hall shut off "ahh they closed and forgot us" Jimin joked but he sounded far away, last I saw him he was 2 bodies away from me. I was a little scared but not too worried. Finally small decoration lights turned on revealing 4 boys standing at the front of the room with microphones placed in front of each of them. A loud tap on the microphone was heard throughout the room before a piano started then I heard "Oooh ooooh yeahhhh" "I give it to you" "I give it to yoooOoOooou..." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion watching Namjoon grab Wendy's hand, Hobi grabbed Michis and I was looking around for Yoongi. What's going on? When did the boys learn to sing this good? Who's song is this? Where's Yoongi? Finally the piano stopped and I seen Yoongi walking up to me, "Good to youuu" Jungkook and the boys continued to sing when I was pulled to meet the others on the so called dance floor. We slow danced until I heard the most high note leave Jimins mouth, while  Jungkook sang "Ooh yeahhhhhhhh... good to you" Yoongi dropped to one knee and held out a box containing a beautiful diamond ring. Smiling that cute gummy smile he said "Kim Brissa.... will you marry me?"

...The End🤍

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