Merry Christmas

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Before we left for christmas break Professor Chen posted grades on paper outside the class. Mich and I made our way to the music building, before we made it up the the second floor to check my grades we stopped in Michis dance class, she received her grade of 92%, he teacher said "It wouldve been higher if you didn't spend all class flirting with Hoseok" We laughed before leaving to my class "Bye Professor Lisa! Merry Christmas!" Mich yelled. We walked up to room 204 and checked the paper taped in the door, I skimmed until I seen 'Kim Brissa|A|100%' I knew I'd pass but geez 100%? We left back to the dorm where we were met by the girls "Come on let's open presents me and Brissa got a party to be at!" V said before sitting in the couch. A couple days prior Doyoung had texted me to invite me to a party
Be my date for our frat Christmas party?

Do you even have to ask? yes <3

My friend needs a date too, bring one of the girls?
Maybe not Michi though...🤣
I opened gifts with the girls before throwing on my best christmas pjs and heading out the dorm. Doyoung and I got matching pjs as did the rest of members with dates. We walked outside and we're met by Doyoung and Johnny "Hey! You look so cute in those pajamas" Doyoung yelled before grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on my forehead. Walking into the party it wasn't actually a Christmas party, a few strings of lights and a tree decorated the house but the music was normal party music and the boys were already drunk. After a couple hours of drinking and dancing with Doyoung he reached down to talk in my ear "You leave tomorrow right?" I nodded my head instead of trying to yell loud enough for him to hear "I should take you home then... it's late!" I nodded again and he grabbed my hand but instead of taking me outside he pulled me toward the staircase. "Open your gift first?" I smiled so big, forgetting it was literally Christmas. We went up to his room and I realized this was my first time in there "Woow, I've never been in here... It's nice" I laughed and looked around when he held a wrapped gift in front of me. I smiled and grabbed it before ripping it open, like a child. It opened to the back of a photo frame, when I flipped it over it revealed a picture of Yoongi and I from the performance. "uhmm.. why?" I laughed out of confusion "Listen Brissa, Im not mad, but I can tell you're in love with Yoongi..." He looked at me and smiled "During the performance I seen the look in your eyes.. you're in love with someone else and that's okay, I just don't think I can be like a place holder..." He was holding my hand and I couldn't help but to start crying, he was right, but it hurt to hear him say it out loud. This was it, this was the end of me and Doyoung. "Doyoung I'm so sorry-" I started before he cut me off "Brissa it's okay!! We're not ending on bad terms, I want you to be happy and if that's with Yoongi then so be it!" He wiped my tear and I chuckled at his response. I grabbed his hand which was placed gently on my face "Still, Im sorry, but thankyou, you're the best and you really deserve the best. I'm sorry I couldn't be that for you" More tears ran down my face as I finished that sentence. Doyoung smiled before pulling my face forward so my forehead met his kiss "You were the best, you still are... just not for me anymore, I still want to be friends... I really like your friends and mine really like you" I nodded in agreement before replying "I would love that!" Soon after Doyoung walked me home and gave me the biggest hug "Merry Christmas pretty girl" he said before walking away. "Merry christmas Do!" I sniffled as a tear fell down and I proceeded inside.

At home Joon Oppa was even more annoying then usual. My guess was because he couldn't see Wendy, nor tell our parents about her. On christmas morning we opened gifts and just as we finished Joon handed me a gift bag "Here sis, this is from Yoongi!" a present from Yoongi?? I opened it to see a handmade album with our performance song on it. I could tell he spent a lot of time on it because it looked just like a Jewel case Kpop album. The front cover was a hand drawn designed and inside was the CD, a "photocard" which was an old selfie of us, another "photocard" photo of us on stage, and a had written note which read 'Still cant believe we pulled this amazing  performance off! Yes the cd is real, it will play our song ha! Merry christmas love- Yoongi' I couldn't stop smiling, from the details of the fake album to the consideration of getting a gift from him in the first place. I looked through the case 3 times before Joon spoke "I'm gonna assume you love it?" I didn't even realize they were all watching me until I looked up with blurry vision from the tears in my eyes. "Aish Brissa! That's so sweet but don't cry honey" My mom comforted me and I replied "It's just so thoughtful... Yoongi oppa is so nice" I laughed and wiped away my tears before grabbing my phone to text Yoongi.
)): Thankyou so much oppa!! I really loved the "album" but I didn't do an unboxing sorry!!

Ha! It's no big deal, I'm glad you like it! I wanted to get a special gift for a special producer.. merry christmas
I didn't want to overreact but 'special gift for a special producer'?? Gosh his simple words make me so happy and I don't even think he knows it. Joon and I left the living room and went into my room where he begged for me to play the song "Oh come on!!! Yoongi put it on a cd for a reason!! please please please play it.. it's so good dude-" see.. extra annoying "Fine! Joonie I'll play it!" I placed the cd in my playstation where it began to play. "What did Doyoung get you?" he asked "Joonie you begged for me to play it and now you're talking over it?" I rolled my eyes and he responded "Sorry I wanna make sure you're being taken care of" I was certain I couldn't tell him we broke up over Yoongi so I ended up saying "Well he got me a great present, but to be honest... we broke up, but please don't attack him, it was a mutual agreement... we just knew it wouldn't last forever" I could tell Namjoon was upset but he swallowed his pride and said "Well... as long as you're not heartbroken..  that's unfortunate though.. I was starting to like him" I gasped and said "well it's a good thing he still wants to be friends, and he said he wants to be your guys friends too! but enough about me, whatsup with Wendyyy?" after I asked this his smile grew to reach his ears before spilling everything about her out of his mouth. "I'm taking her out our first day back!" he admitted. I looked surprised but I was soo happy he was finally making an effort with girls. For the rest of break, me and my brother spent a lot of time together because I knew when we returned it's be Joons last year he'd be too busy to hangout.. wait if it's Joons last year... wouldn't that make it Yoongis last as well??

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now