The school filled with beauty

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It was 10:04 which meant class was over, I don't know what possessed me to take an 8am, 2 hour music theory class, but wow my brain cells were fried. When Professor Ji Yong, or he wanted us to call him Professor Dragon, finally dismissed class  I immediately pulled out my phone and texted Joon Oppa.
oppa! is your class out yet?
I walked out of class and instantly crashed into a tall figure who seemed to be in such a rush "Yah! what's wrong with you?? watch out!" as I yelled but he continued walking he turned around and yelled back "I'm so sorry but I'm running late!" Once he turned around I realized he had a very handsome face, but seeing he just carelessly ran into me I could tell his looks were the only thing  he had going for him "Ah... are you okay??" I turned around to see another tall, handsome man behind me. Why is everyone at this school so beautiful?? I was so caught up by this guys looks I forgot to reply "Uhm.. hello earth to.. we'll I don't know your name but are you okay??" he waved his hand in my face and finally I was brought back to Earth. "Ah! I'm sorry, yes Im fine!" he smiled and nodded "Well okay Sorry, I'm Choi Yeonjun" as he reached out his hand in front of me I shook it before replying "Sorry.. I'm Brissa... Kim Brissa." We shook hands and he asked where I was headed before asking to accompany me on the way, I hesitated knowing I was supposed to walk with Yoongi but it seemed he wasn't out of class yet. Establishing we had the same piano class we made our way upstairs. Still having 40 minutes to spare we sat on the floor of the hallway and got to know each other.

Once piano class started Yeonjun, the first year music major, took a seat next to me. We did introductions and due to it being a full class that took up the whole time period. Professor Taemin dismissed the class and Yeonjun and I made our way downstairs. On the first floor I seen another class being dismissed, we kept walking and I seen a familiar face walk out the door. Before I could call out to him Yeonjun spoke up first "Hobi hyung!! whatsup??" we walked up to him as he held the door open for the rest of the class to exit. "Yeonjun-ah! Ah.. and Brissa?" he looked confused to see I was walking with Yeonjun but I was confused as to how they knew each other. We stood next to Hobi explaining how we met and how him and Yeonjun knew each other when my bestfriend Michelle walked out. Hobi finally let go of the door after Michelle walked out "Hi Brissa... Brissas tall handsome friend.." her smile quickly went away when I slightly nudged her "Ow! I was just being nice" she said. "This-" I was cut off by Yeonjun "Ahh you think I'm handsome? Im flattered really.. Yeonjun by the way" he reached across me to shake Michelle's hand and she replied "Oh you're so welcome.. it seems this whole school is filled with beauty. I'm Michi" Michelle has always been a big flirt but she was never serious with anyone because she actually had the biggest crush on Hoseok. When they shook hands, I looked over to see Hobi with the most jealous face I'd ever seen. "Jealousy isn't a good look for you" I quickly realized what had just slipped out, widening my eyes and placing my hand over my mouth I kept walking. Not only did Hobis face turned bright red like a fresh strawberry, Michis did too. Yeonjun laughed as we walked out the building making our way towards the same fountain we'd met at earlier. Just as we got there I seen Yoongi and Jennie sitting in the same spot and I could feel my blood boiling. Before I could say anything Yoongi looked up "Almost the whole gang of music nerds! My bad Brissa! Jennie didn't feel well so I left class early to be with her" she looked fine to me, even had that evil smile on her face, but nonetheless I was nice and replied "It's cool! I met Yeonjun and he walked with me!" I turned to face Yeonjun to see he was accompanied by yet another handsome face "Yo Yoongi Hyung! Brissa how do you know all the popular kids already?" I felt very confused before responding "I could ask you the same question, but they're all my brothers friends" his face of questioning quickly changed to realization "Ahh, Kim Brissa! Kim..." I didn't want to see him struggle so I filled in his blank "Namjoon.. my brother is Namjoon." he nodded as I waited for his response "Oh.. you have an older brother with friends.. and I have an older cousin.." He moved from in front of the slightly shorter man with blonde hair and from my peripheral I could see Michis jaw drop all the way to the ground. Yeonjun continued "This is my cousin Choi San.. he's a second year model." I see looks run in the family. San shook my hand and then looked to Michi to shake hers but she was caught in the same trance I was when meeting Yeonjun.

After everyone slowly arrived at the fountain we made our way to the Dining hall to get lunch. Yeonjun asked to join us since his crew was still in class. We walked in and every two steps we took someone was walking up "Yo Yoongi Hyung!" or calling out from around us "Yoongi whatsup??" Occasionally they'd yell to Jimin or Tae and some student would walk up to Joon Oppa with requests about academics. Joon Oppa is really smart, it ran in the family but Oppa got the most of it. They deemed him head boy during the summer of his second year and he's yet to lose the title. We found a table large enough to fit us all and sat down to eat when another handsome man came up "Yoongi Bro!! you coming this friday right?? First party of the semester" Yoongi held out his hand to shake up and replied "For sure, you know i'll be there!" the man chuckled and began to walk away before responding "Bring the cute girls with you too" he winked at me and walked away before any of the boys could get to him. Yoongi had jealousy painted all throughout his body. Why was he jealous? Jennie wasn't with us anymore and even then the guy winked at me.. wait..

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now