Football Game

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There was 1 week left of the spring semester and I was so excited for summer break. The girls and I had planned a trip to Gwangju to visit Michis parents and see Mudeungsan. It was currently Tuesday and the semester ended on Friday. I only had one final to take then I made plans to hangout with Yoongi until the last football game before summer break. I finished my final and was dismissed from class, when I stepped out of class I pulled out my phone to see I had a text from Doyoung
Good luck with your test pretty girl! I'll see you at the game (;
Even though it was so minimal I couldn't help but smile, he's so adorable and he never called me by my name. To Doyoung I was 'pretty girl' and I loved that. I made my way to Yoongis dorm and was met at his door by him "You have more music to show me?" I smiled and approached him to hug like I usually did, Yoongi chuckled and gave me a quick hug before replying "Uhm.. actually maybe you should just go to the game without me.." I was so confused as to why he was saying this when we made plans to all go together. Before I could question, he finished "See... Jennie doesn't really like me spending so much time with you.. I tried to assure you're like family to me but she's not having it.... i'm sorry Brissa" wait... he's gonna stop talking to me because of Jennie? "Yoongi are you serious? stop joking around, I hate when you-" I was soon cut off by Yoongi shaking his head "I'm so serious, I can't.. uhm I shouldn't talk to you anymore.. and we shouldn't hangout" I raised my eyebrows and nodded in disbelief before walking away. When I got closer to my dorm I realized what just happened and started crying. First Jungkook now Yoongi??

Before the football game I managed to collect my thoughts and calm down after Yoongi ended our friendship. Since it was the last game I decided to go all out with my makeup adding lashes and many gems. Once we were all ready we made our way out to the football stadium where we met up with Joon oppa and all the boys. I flashed a smile at Jungkook and he nodded 'whatsup', as for Yoongi.. Jennie wouldn't even let him look at me. I took a seat next to Namjoon and watched the game commence. During the third quarter  NCTs leader came up to me in the bleachers "Hey! Doyoungs girl right?? you kiss him good luck?" before I could reply he chuckled and walked away. "I thought Doyoung was just a one time thing? Brissa you know he's a third year??" Namjoon seemed mad but I didn't really care so I responded "Joon oppa..sorry but you're not in charge of who I date" I could see the anger in his face as his tongue poked out while still inside his mouth "Brissa that's a two year difference.. you're 19 and he's 21... you shouldn't be dating him... that's like dating Yoongi" When he said this Jennie began choking on her drink she had just took and Mich, Suzie, and Jin wouldn't stop laughing  "First of all we're not dating, we just hangout.." Before I could finish my statement I heard V from the left of me "and kiss" she wasn't wrong but she kind of made matters worse "and how is that anywhere near dating Yoongi? Yoongi is your bestfriend.. sure they're the same age but it's not at all the same" The whole time I was explaining myself Namjoon looked like he wanted to kill Doyoung with his own hands. "I don't care, Doyoung is not somebody you should-" before he could finish Yoongi cut him off "Joon let her date.. or not date and just kiss.. whoever she wants. She's an adult now... not your business" Namjoon narrowed his eyes and wanted to argue back but shook his head and looked away instead. I smiled at Yoongi and mouthed "Thankyou" he half smiled back and was about to mouth something back before Jennie grabbed his face and kissed him.

It was 4th quarter with 4 minutes left and the announcer yelled through the system "Alrighttttt Yonsei fans get up to the gate and cheer on your team!!" Just as he said this everyone ran from their seats up to the small barricades which separated the teams from fans. Me and the girls squeezed our way to the front to be able to see better. Time was ticking down and the score was 96-90 Yonsei was leading but the recent play pushed the teams 30 yards from the other teams end zone. Being this close I could hear Doyoung call the plays "Blue 42..... hut" the clock was ticking as Doyoung threw the ball to Jaehyun, the running back, who caught the ball and ran it passed all the defensive line then passed the 40, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and straight into the end zone. The crowd went wild as the horn went off to signify the game had ended, 101-90, I was so excited to see Yonsei win I yelled and changed with the rest of the fans while the players ran towards the sideline. I watched as Doyoung jogged passed his teammates on the side and straight up to the barricade, standing in front of me he wrapped his arm around my lower back and pulled me in for a kiss. I wasn't prepared but as soon as his lips met mine I melted into his grasp. Even though he was sweaty and very smelly I didn't mind, I was honestly a huge simp for him. After pulling our lips apart he said "Wait for me outside yeah?" All I could do was nod before he jogged back over to his team where they all cheered for his arrival.

Walking out of the stadium Namjoon looked as though he was gonna start a fight as soon as Doyoung walked out which scared me because a fight between them would start a brawl and maybe expulsion. We finally made it out and half of the group proceeded to leave Yoongi said by to Namjoon who was standing next to me and Jennie told me "Have fun with your little boyfriend" faked a smile and continued to leave. I really couldn't stand her and she knew it but no biggie.. I will have fun with my BIG boyfriend while she has her little boyfriend.. as soon as I thought that I felt bad, it's not Yoongis fault he's short. Almost an hour passed when Infinnaly felt my phone vibrate
Sorry pretty, it was a long team meeting and I had to shower... can't smell like sweat for our date (;
I started to type back before Namjoon distracted me "Is he gonna come get you or was I right about him?" I hated that everyone expected for Doyoung to hurt me, what if it worked out? "actually he just texted me so you can go.. thanks for waiting with me oppa" i faked a smile before responding
Date? when did I agree to that? ((:

After initiation you said you'd be available remember?

Noo that was soo long ago, how do you remember that??
While I was smiling at my phone from Doyoungs silly messages Namjoon spoke again "I'm not leaving until he comes" Right after saying that Doyoung came walking up "Hey pretty girl!" he finished his statement and jogged the rest of the way to meet up with me. He hugged me tightly and was leaning on for a kiss when he realized Joon oppa was standing there "Oh... Namjoon Hyung!" He reached out his hand to shake my brothers and Namjoon accepted, they shook hands and before leaving Namjoon stated "Be careful with my sister Doyoung.... I'm not kidding" "I wouldn't dream of hurting your sister Hyung" Doyoung smiled and raised his eyebrows before placing his arm over my shoulders and guiding me to walk away. We went out to eat ramen and then got ice cream after. Doyoung asked about finals and my summer plans and also talked about football, everytime he told football stories his eyes lit up like they had sparklers in them. He walked me to my dorm before kissing me goodnight and leaving me with the words "I'll see you after break beautiful"

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now