He won

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I feel unstoppable.

The sound of the call being answered rung throughout my ears as I excitedly said "Yoo-" but was cut off "Uhm we're kinda busy" laughing through the phone I seen Jennie through the screen instead of Yoongi. I cant believe I thought I could tell him. I was so broken all I said was "oh.. I meant to call Joon Oppa.. sorry" and hung up. I felt defeated. Oh so defeated.

At this point I didn't even want to go to the game. I couldn't stand the thought of seeing Yoongi and Jennie together, and on top of that I had to face Yoongi, Doyoung, and Yeonjun. I walked out of the room and seen Hobi sitting alone "So how'd it go?? are you guys so in love??" he said as he walked up to me with a huge smile. ".. Jennie answered.. so I lied and said I meant to call Joon" I felt the knot in my throat riding but pushed it back down "Awe Brissa i'm so sorry... I didn't know they were together right now" he hugged me and I tried my best to keep the tears in "It's okay..." I said pulling myself out of his grip "Maybe now is just not a good time.. I've waited 14 years.. what's a couple more" I faked a laugh while Hobi stood pouting in front of me. "...But even still, I don't feel like going to the game, I think I'll just stay home." Hobi stood back and furrowed his eyebrows "No no, you have to go.. it's the first game and you need to talk to Doyoung, also you can't miss Michis first night cheering! She's so excited!!" Hobi told me all of that in one breathe and if Michi was as excited as Hobi was she was gonna kill it tonight. "Ugh Hobi your enthusiasm is annoying you know that?" he smiled big and hugged me "Oh I know! now go get ready!!" He let go of me and I walked back into the room, before closing the door I heard Hobi speak again "Everything's gonna be okay Bri" as I turned around he held his hands in a heart and smiled. Hobi always knew how to make me smile.

Hobi and I walked together and the whole way there he expressed how excited he was to see Michi cheer, it's about time he didn't hide his crush. As we found our seats next to the rest of the boys I took out my phone and remembered Yeonjun had messaged me. I stared at the message, rereading it over and over, Namjoon looked over my shoulder and read it as well "Wow... What are you gonna say sis?" he asked me "One... snooping is rude so don't do it again and Two... I dont know oppa" I shook my head and looked around until my eyes landed on Doyoung on the field. I sighed before Namjoon continued "Well he's got my vote if he's against Doyoung" he laughed but little did he know that was exactly the situation. I hadn't paid attention to any of the game, my mind was storming with anxiety 'Should I say yes? To who? Who's the better option? Should I listen to Joonie? Do I actually like either of them? Where's Yoongi? Why didn't he come to the game?' The questions just wouldn't stop until I realized I was being pulled down the stairs to the barricade. It's 4th quarter already?? Suzie and I stood at the gate when I seen Michi being thrown in the air I almost screamed before catching myself and realizing she was a cheerleader now and that's what they do. Watching Michi cheer I got so distracted I didn't realize the game was over till the horn went off "And that's game!! Give it up for Yonsei with the win 123-89" the announcer yelled through the PA system. I watched Michi jump and yell before being pulled in to kiss Doyoung, I wasn't paying enough attention to even notice him run up to me so when he kissed me I was a little surprised. He pulled apart and smiled "So.. what do you say? You wanna be my girlfriend?" he was panting and anxiously waiting for my response. As the question fell from his mouth all my clouded thoughts disappeared, and I was at ease. I smiled and bit my bottom lip "Of course I'll be your girlfriend!!" He smiled and extended his arm lifting his helmet before pulling  me even closer and kissing me one more time before running back to his team. I was happy, so happy with my decision but I knew I had to let down Yeonjun soon.. All the boys met us at the barricade where we complimented Michi about her cheering. "So it was a competition huh?" Joon asked "I'm sorry oppa I-" Namjoon cut me off by shaking his head and saying "Don't apologize, but be careful... and I swear if he hurts you, he'll have 7 guys waiting for him after class" I laughed knowing Doyoung had 22 friends and 22 chumps 7, but it was a cute effort from my brother.

While I waited for Doyoung, I got out my phone and decided to reply to Yeonjun 'I'm sorry for the late reply... it's been a long day.  Im honestly so flattered you would consider making me your girlfriend but I feel like maybe we're better as friends. I understand if you hate me but I don't think we should date.. goodnight Jun" right after pressing send Doyoung ran up and picked me up off the ground "Hi my pretty girlfriend" he placed multiple kisses all over my face before landing one right on my lips. I smiled throughout the whole interaction and said "Wow you won the game... won the girl.. it's your lucky day huh?" he put me back down and said "Yeah actually..pretty fucking lucky" he winked and I could feel my cheeks get as hot as the sun, but luckily it was too dark for him to notice. "You still down for the party? We don't have to go" before his game he texted me about a party NCT house may or may not be throwing, depending on the game. I agreed to going because I actually liked college parties and now I could use a drink more than ever so I replied "Yes! I'm trying to dance" while juju-ing on the imaginary beat in my head, he laughed and grabbed my hand and led me to the NCT house "You're such a lame" He made the butterflies in my stomach juju too.

Dancing to 'Drunk-Dazed' Doyoung had stepped away to get us more drinks. I felt safe being around NCT, not every member but the ones who were next to me. I turned around to find Jimin and Jin had showed up to the party, along with V who was swapping spit with Johnny an NCT frat. I giggled and turned to face another direction only to see Mich making out with Jaemin another NCT frat, is she ever gonna stop playing and confess to Hobi? Maybe she was scared just like me- My thought was cut off by hearing my name, I turned again to see Yeonjun walking up, smiling. The fuck is he doing here?? "Yo-whatsuppp!" he slurred his words a little so I could tell he'd been drinking "Yeonjun hey! You don't hate me??" I said, playfully hitting his arm. "Hate you?? no!! You don't want a boyfriend I under-" he was cut off by Doyoung placing his hand on my shoulder, I grabbed the drink and awkwardly smiled as he spoke "Here you go my love" Doyoung reached down and kissed my cheek before realizing Yeonjun stood in front of us. "Who's this?" uh oh.. "Uhm Yeonjun, he's a first year, we had class together last semester" I quickly responded "Ooh cool, whatsup I'm Doyoung" he held out his hand for Yeonjun to shake but Yeonjun ignored it "Just didn't want me.. now I understand... goodnight Brissa" Doyoung didn't understand, mostly because he was lost but the alcohol also played a part, but he shook it off "Uhm anyways... let's dance loser" We started to dance but I couldn't help but feel bad.. I'm sorry Yeonjun.

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now