Whos the guy?

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No.. there's no way. That can't be Jennie then!! I faced the door to watch what else happened, their kiss lasted for what felt like 5 minutes... that's a long kiss. Finally they pulled apart and she said "Maybe we should go" she stood up and confirmed my suspicions. It was actually Jennie. I quickly ran to the other room where the bathroom was, my bladder could no longer hold itself so I quickly made it to the toilet and pulled out my phone to text Yoongi.
Oppa! you're at Jackson's party no?
I didn't want to just straight up say I seen his girlfriend cheat on him so I played it off.
No, visiting my parents, why are you okay??

I'm okay! Just call me when you get a chance?
I really didn't know how to just tell him but I knew it wouldn't be good to tell him over text. I'll just step out of the house when he calls... if he calls. I left the room and ran into a guy who looked like a body builder "Oh I'm sorry! So sorry" he bowed about 4 times, he was a soft body builder "Geez you're built.. I mean uhm.. No worries!" I didn't mean to say that to his face, I was blushing so hard from embarrassment I just decided to walk away. He chuckled before replying "Thankyou, uh would you happen to know of any bathroom around here?" I didn't want to continue talking to him after that embarrassment but I didn't want to be rude "It's in the second room to your right" I kept walking towards the stairs before he yelled to me "Thanks cutie!" I made it back to Doyoung and continued dancing before he spoke "You got lost or what?" he laughed and I replied "Sorry, Jackson showed me another restroom" he nodded and we continued dancing before I felt my phone ringing "I'll be right back!!" I said as I walked away but before I could go, Doyoung grabbed my hand and pulled me in "is everything okay?" he pouted before I reached up to kiss him, nodded and walked outside. I answered the call right before it finished ringing
Yoongi Oppa! How's Daegu?
Brissa this sounded important, what's the matter?
Uhm... I don't know how to say this..
Then don't say it?
No it's important.... I think.. no not I think... I seen Jennie cheat on you
Are you drunk?
Drunk?? Yoongi did you not hear me? She kissed some other guy.. I seen it
You should go home.. you're drunk I gotta go
Tell your boyfriend to take you home
*I was getting irritated and I needed him to listen*
Yoongi please I-
He cut me off by hanging up on me. I cant believe he won't listen. No he's going to listen. I started to redial but instead I heard my name from behind me "You okay pretty girl?" I turned around and seen Doyoung approaching me "Ugh.. I'm worried about him Do" he hugged me and rubbed my back "I know, not to be rude but I heard your whole conversation... you can only do so much to help a friend" I didn't want to cry but like always my tears took a life of their own and started to build up "Do, I promise I seen it!" I pulled away from his hug but as soon as O did he pulled me right back "I believe you baby, I really do maybe Yoongi is just... too "in love""

Leaving my only class I had everything scheduled out. I'd get home submit my homework by 2pm, shower and get ready for Doyoungs baseball game by 4:30, go to dinner with the girls and be at the game in time for opening pitch. On my way back to my dorm I seen Michi talking to some guy, I decided to not say anything to her and throw off her game. That was my choice until I realized that guy looked oh so familiar! I walked up to her "Hey Mich, we're still on for tonight?" she looked at me so confused but I anticipated her answer before she replied "Well duh?" I waited for my one indicator that was who I thought it was and finally he gave it to me, he spoke "You guys have plans for tonight?" it was him, it was the guy I saw kiss Jennie, but who was he? Michi continued to tell him our plans before basically pushing me away "Don't you have homework or like a song to compose?" she smiled and made that face like 'i love you but please leave' I took the hint and said bye before leaving.

I finished all my homework, got ready and was only behind schedule by 6 minutes. We went to eat at our favorite ramen restaurant and my one mission was to get a name from Mich. "Soo you met someone knew?" I raised my eyebrows and nudged her as she was seated next to me "Yesss.. he's a third year.. cute huh?" the waiter brought our food but Michi wasn't giving me what I needed "Another one? NCT boy??" Suzie asked "Yeahh what about Hobi?" V added "I don't know, I really don't think he likes me. No Sizie he's not an NCT boy... he's apart of EXO frat" ugh all this information but no name, come on Mich spit it out. "Oooo I heard EXO nerds are sweet!" V said. "Yeahh I heard that too!" Suzie added before taking a huge bite of her egg roll "Well whoever says that is right forsure, Kai is so nice.. maybe too nice though" she finally said it, it's about time. "I have to tell you guys something..." I couldn't keep it a secret but I didn't want to break Michis heart either, the words just kind of fell out. They all looked at me with concern before I finished ".. At Jackson's party I saw Jennie kiss a guy other than Yoongi.." they all gasped and anticipated for me to finish "Mich... I'm so sorry.. the guy was definitely Kai" she closed her mouth after gasping at my first statement and just continued eating before Suzie asked "You okay?" she looked up from her food and said "Oh yeah I don't really care.. you guys know I don't like nice guys" we laughed and V replied "You don't like nice guys? Then what's Hobi?" we continued laughing and Suzie asked "Did you tell Yoongi?" I nodded and replied "Yeah he wasn't there so I called him.. he didn't believe me... just kept asking if I was drunk... I don't know what to do" The girls looked just as lost as I was.

We waited in line to get in the game and talked about anything that happened to come up "Oh! Do said he wants to set you guys up with his frat friends" I said looking at Mich and then to V "Yes please... this long distance is not working out" just as she said that she took a step back and crashed into the boys ahead of us in line "Oh I'm sorry!" the man turned around revealing his face to be the same guy I ran into at the party. "You don't need to apologize it was my fault! I'm sorry!" V said "Hey!! It's the body builder! The very apologetic body builder" I said soon realizing I only called him that in my head and not out loud, but he still laughed and bowed "Hey it's the cutie who knows where the bathroom is!" He had a very cute smile. He placed his hand out to shake ours and said "Wonho, and you guys are?" After introducing ourselves the doors opened and he said "You know if you guys wanna be setup I have 6 available friends" We made it inside and bid our goodbyes before finding our seats and watching Yonseis baseball team win.

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now