A fight

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On Monday class had been dismissed a little late because Mr.Dragon went on an hour long rant, 15minutes before class was let out. When I finally walked out the door I had my head down looking at my phone just in case Do let me know he wasn't waiting for me. I clicked on his name to see O did have a message but was quickly interrupted by crashing into a body "Uh- I'm so sorry I-" I finally looked up to meet eyes with the last person I wanted to see right now "Yeonjun! Listen I-" as I started to apologize he cut me off "Brissa I really don't wanna talk about it, I don't want to hear your apology.. You made it seem like you just weren't ready for a relationship but the whole time you were in one. I never expected for you-" As he went on I felt the tears build up but everything stopped when I heard "Hey pretty girl... oh uhm yeonjin right?" Doyoung ran up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Yeonjun was not amused, his face was painted with anger before replying "It's YeonjUn" he rolled his eyes and Doyoung responded "My bad, uhm you and my girl done?" Doyoung meant no harm with this comment but Yeonjun took it personally. "Listen dude.. me and "your girl" were done awhile ago... so go ahead run along to whatever you guys do.. I got class" Yeonjun then turned around to walk into class but was stopped by Doyoung grabbing his backpack and pushing me to the side. "I don't know what the fuck that means but if you have a problem with me that can be handled real quick" When Doyoung said that I realized I'd never heard that much attitude come from him, I also realized this might end very bad so I stepped in the middle of them to finish this before it for worse. I don't think Yeonjun meant to push me but as I stepped in the middle I was pushed straight into Doyoungs chest and before I could realize what was going on they boys were throwing punches and I was stuck. I couldn't react in time, but I managed to pull myself out of my thoughts and pulled Yeonjun away from Do "both of you stop!! this is so unnecessary!!" Yeonjun pulled himself out of my grip and yelled back "Unnecessary? No! this is all necessary!" The three other students in the hallway just stood there, no one even bothered to help, when Yeonjun scoffed and walked off his classmates joined him in the classroom. It was me and Doyoung left in the hallway "So what the fuck was that about? Why'd you grab him first? What did he mean by "y'all were done awhile ago"?" I didn't want to argue in the hallway but I knew it had to be done "Do it's all a misunderstanding, Yeonjun liked me but I like you and like he said it was done awhile ago.. I didn't pull him first on purpose I just..." the tears built up "I-" they started to fall over "I just wanted it to stop" Doyoung let out a sigh before bringing me in for a huge hug "...don't cry pretty girl"

Doyoung must have not cared as much because after his practice we went out for dinner and he acted like nothing happened. During our date I got a text from my brother
Joonie oppa🤍
I assume you'll be at Jackson's party tonight?
right before I responded I looked at Do who was really enjoying his ramen "Uhm... you know Jackson is having a party?" I awkwardly smiled not knowing how he'd react "Duhh.. where do you think we're going after this?" he smiled and winked before taking the last bite of his food.
How'd you get so smart oppa? (;
Doyoung paid and we were off to Jackson's for the party. On our way I couldn't help but wonder if Yoongi would be there, I know I'm dating Do and he has Jennie but I was just curious... "Are your besties gonna be there? a few of my boys have crushes" He started to chuckle before I said "Well a few of your boys are out of luck... Suzie has Tae, V is in a long distance thing with some british guy and Michi is stuck on Hoseok." I laughed and he replied "Stuck on him? then why is it everytime I see her, she's swallowing a new guys face?" "Woah woah woah.. I like you but watch what you say about the girls... I'll bust your other lip" he threw his hand up at my response and laughed "Okay my bad! It's not my business anyway, but if she wants to forget about Hobi and V wants to drop that "british guy" I could help set them up" he nudged my side repeatedly before entering Jackson house. "Call mee when it's after dark.. loving the way you wanna talk" Michi walked up singing Love talk before handing me a drink and chugging hers "It's about timeeee, hi Doyoung!!! I'm so happy to see y'all! You guys are so cute!! Oh brissa..." She leaned into my ear and I could smell every shot she'd drunken "I heard Yeonjun and Do fought over you.." as hard as she was trying to be quiet, she was failing "...How do you get them to do that? I want boys fighting over me!!" she pouted and I laughed before Doyoung said "Michi there's about 4 fights in the house everyday over you!" she smiled and flipped her hair before walking away "You know you really shouldn't hype her up like that" I said to Doyoung "Hype her up? It's the truth.. Jaemin and Jaehyun almost threw hands over her after the last party" Doyoung pulled me to the dance floor where we danced until all the alcohol I drank finally made it's way to my bladder. "I'll be back!! I've gotta pee!!!" I started to walk away and I finally realized how drunk I was. I stumbled to the closest bathroom to see a line stretching 9 people back. "Ughhh why are there so many people here" I didn't even realize I said that out loud until I heard someone reply "That's because my parties are the best" I didn't know who he was but based on what he just said I assumed he was Jackson "Uhmm.. You're Jackson?" before replying he nodded and held out his hand for me to grab, I hesitated and he said "Yuh, Jackson Wang.. 3rd year, don't be afraid I'll take you to another bathroom" he shook his hand before I gave in and grabbed his. "Joonies sister right? I'd call you cute but I don't want that smart ass to beat me" just as he made this joke we walked passed a bedroom where I heard a very annoying yet very familiar laugh. Jackson pointed into the next room before being pulled away by three cute girls, but I couldn't get passed that laugh. Instead of going into the room with the bathroom, I peaked my head in the room with the laughing couple... I saw a handsome man, typical, and... Jennie???? Why the fuck is she in here? Who's that guy? Where's Yoongi?? Before I could think of anymore questions I felt my bladder almost explode, I turned from the door and began walking to the next room but I seen it... out the corner of my eyes... THEY KISSED.

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now