Summer break

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All of summer break was spent away from Yonsei. Me and the girls visited Gwangju, Busan and my hometown Seoul . We went on a bunch of hikes, went to the beach, and attended an EXO concert. I talked to Doyoung and Yeonjun everytime I was available and even received an apology from Jungkook, his text read 'Hi Brissa, it's Jungkook in case you deleted my number lol. I honestly wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have ended our friendship over my feelings for you. I miss being your bestfriend, I don't think I have a crush on you anymore but no matter if I do or don't I'd love to be your bestfriend again... only if you'll let me🫶🏻 have fun at the concert!" Honestly I couldn't stand not talking to him, he's my best friend so of course I accepted his apology. We got to Yonsei 4 days before the start of fall semester, I unpacked my bags and called Doyoung. We stayed on the phone until one of us fell asleep and planned a date for Friday before his game. On wednesday I picked up my schedule from my counselor and went over to the coffe shop a little ways down the street from the campus. My nose was hit with the smell of strong coffee beans when I made my way up to the counter. The cashier had his back towards me but I was focused on the menu until he turned around and spoke "Hello what can I get- Oh! Brissa!!" I looked down from the menu to see Yeonjun smiling so big I could see his back teeth. He ran around the counter and gave me big hug "Dude I missed you!!" "Jun we texted everyday" I said laughing "Yeahh but I missed seeing your pretty face" he tucked the few strands of hair in my face behind my ear. Yeonjun has always been so sweet to me.
*small time skip*
My first day back went by fairly quick because I only had one class which was scheduled from 10-12. It was kind of strange leaving class and not being met by Yeonjun, even more strange that Doyoung was waiting for me "Hi beautiful! How was class?" He got off the wall he was leaning on and hugged me "Hi Do, class was good but what are you doing here?" I chuckled and he placed his arm over my shoulder "Ahh I wanted to see you before the game... also I wanted to ask you something.." we stopped walking and he stood in front of me as he continued "We've been uhm.. talking for awhile... Do you..maybe want to... be my girlfriend?" I was shocked and didn't know how to reply. I liked Doyoung I really did but something was holding me back... I was about to respond when his phone started ringing "Sorry pretty girl, I really have to take this" he held up one finger and answered the call "Tae i'm busy whatsup??" I didn't know Do could give that much attitude, he went on talking to Taeyong and suddenly I heard the most beautiful piano playing I'd ever heard. It's like Mozart was in the school and my ears were hooked. I waited for Doyoung and my phone went off, it was Yeonjun
"Hey Brissa... I kinda have to tell you something, I'm pretty nervous but it's about time I tell you... I actually like you.. a lot, you're so beautiful and such a cool person to be around. We've been friends for awhile and I'd love for you to be my girlfriend if you'd like..?" There's no way.. this can't be happeneing- imy thought was cut off by Doyoung walking up "Hey just think about it yeah? NCT is having problems I gotta go, i'm sorry! see you at the game pretty!" He was already out the door before I could reply with anything. I cant believe this.. Yeonjun and Doyoung asked me to be their girlfriend at the same time... and there's that beautiful piano. After following the sound I didn't even remember the dilemma I was in, the music was just so beautiful. I didn't want to disturb who ever was playing so I quietly walked in and stood in the shadows. The playing continued and the man even started singing... I know that voice. I like that voice. That voice... It's Yoongi.. The music he was making, made every memory of him and I play in my head. It was like a movie,  the time he played dolls with me because Joon oppa wouldn't, the time he taught me to ride a skateboard, when he was teaching me to play guitar, when he took care of me after my first college party, and everytime he'd call me love or anything other than my name. Oh my gosh... I get it now... I like Yoongi.. That's why I can't stand Jennie, that's why everything he does I find so cute, that's why I can't say yes to Doyoung or Yeonjun.

When I got back to my dorm I couldn't contain any emotion. I felt so happy to figure out I like Yoongi but so sad I had to reject Doyoung.. and Yeonjun. I threw myself in the couch next to Hoseok who claimed to be "just hanging out" with Michi. "What's the matter bestie?" Michi asked "Ugh......." right before I could tell them everything that happened my eyes filled to the brim and tears spilled over. Michi and Hobi wrapped their arms around me to comfort me but both backed up from touching each other "You guys are so weird.." I sniffled "Doyoung asked me to be his girlfriend.." I awkwardly smiled and was soon hit on the arm "dude that's fucjing great what did you say??" Michi was so excited but I kept crying "Uhm.. Yeonjun asked me out as well.." again my arm was being hit by Michi "biiiiiiitch... aint no way!!" I sniffled but partially smiled before telling them "..but I like Yoongi..." the room fell silent for a short minute before Hobi spoke up "It's about time..." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him with confusion "about time? huh?" "You and Yoongi have been playing this weird game of pretending to not be completely falling for each other and it's just about time you finally realized" wait me and Yoongi.... like Yoongi likes me too? Right before I could say anything Hobi spoke again "I mean... uhm... we all knew you liked him.. like.. ugh nevermind.... just don't tell Yoongi I told you" So I was right? Yoongi likes me back? That explains why he's so protective and so open and comfortable with me. I looked at Hobi, smiled, and gave him the fattest kiss on the cheek before doing the same to Michi "Now maybe you two should realize something..." and with that I left into the bedroom, shut the door, dried off my tears and dialed Yoongi on facetime. I was shaking, I had never been more scared in my life, I was finally going to tell Yoongi how I felt. I feel unstoppable.

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now