So far away

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After that weird Wednesday everything was getting back to normal Yoongi got back with Jennie, Mich and I weren't fighting and she wasn't moving away, Namjoon got his grade back to passing but was still head over heels for Wendy, Jungkook was showing his normal affection and feelings towards me while Hobi was still conflicted and Doyoung was still acting pretty weird with me. It's Friday now and I had one class from 9-12, it was beginners music production. Right before class ended Professor Chen asked his Intermediate producers to come in early, there class started right when ours ended so they were usually there around that time anyways. Intermediate students trickled in and stood in the back while Professor Chen made his announcement "So as you may or may not know we have an end of the year Performance showcase, all music majors must perform in order to pass their class. This year to cut down the show time we music teachers have decided to let you guys pair or group up for your performance. So I decided to pair beginners with intermediates, when I call your name please raise your hand so your partner can find you." I didn't even care to look at the intermediate students, in my opinion I'm a great producer so whoever my partner is we'll be set. I didn't care to pay attention until I heard my name "Beginner Brissa you will be with Intermediate Yoongi" I swung my head around and saw Yoongi look up from his phone. Our eyes met and we both gave an awkward smile. Before I walked out I met Yoongi in the back of class when he stopped me "Should we start after class? I'm out at 2:30" I shrugged my shoulders trying to be okay it cool "Yeah that's cool, just text me a location!" He nodded before walking to the same seat I sat in.

When I got back to my dorm I got two texts, one from Yoongi and the other from Doyoung.
We can meet at Jins apartment!

Hi pretty! sorry I haven't been texting as much, baseball has been taking up a lot of my time and I'm trying to pass, let's get dinner tonight?

)); I have to work on a project tonight maybe tomorrow?

Sure! whenever you have time!
I miss Doyoung but I really wanted to hangout with Yoongi. I showered and got ready then headed out to Jins, when I arrived the door was locked and no one was inside so I sat outside the door and waited. I then started writing different lyrics until I heard Yoongi from down the hall "Why are you on the floor weirdo?" I rolled my eyes before standing up "Why are you not on the floor?" he unlocked the door and laughed before walking in. He threw his backpack on the couch and then threw himself on the couch "You're gonna break the couch, and I don't think Jinnie would appreciate that" he smirked and wow were the butterflies awake "I feel like you're calling me fat" I playfully rolled my eyes and walk towards the piano which was in the sunken part of the living room.

We spent 3 hours trying to compose at least a chorus to a song but came up with nothing, we ended up sitting on the couch and talking about everything we didn't talk about to our other friends. We began talking about school and he admitted to not wanting to be there "Everyone thinks you're going to be alright if you got University.." "Do as they tell you" "Life will only be good if you succeed in school" he seemed really passionate and I liked listening to him rant, even though it was pretty negative, I agreed. "Wait wait Yoongi write that down!" After going on and on I realized this could be our song. The reality that dreams are the beginning of a successful future. We stayed up for 6 more hours writing until Yoongi pointed out it was 2am "You should just crash here, you can take Jins room and I'll take the couch?" he always let me have Jins room so this time I thought I'd let him have it "Noo go ahead and take Jins room! I'm already comfy here" I smiled and snuggled up with a blanket "Ahh, I offered you Jins room because I'm already comfortable.." he laughed and looked at me before finishing "I can share I guess" we laughed before instantly crashing out.

I woke up the next morning and looked around, Yoongi was still asleep to my left, my notebook with random lyrics and 'So far away' titled at the top was laying on the floor, and my phone laid face down on the couch next to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before my phone started vibrating 'Incoming call from Do🤍' I quietly got up, walked into Jins empty room and answered
Goodmorning pretty!
Goodmorning Do *yawn*
I'm so sorry did I wake you??
No I literally just opened my eyes before you called
Aish.. I see well do you want to get ready and go get breakfast with me?
uhmm yes actually! I'd love to!
Great! Be ready by 10? I'll meet you at your dorm!
The call ended and I seen the time, 9:10, I should've asked for brunch.. I ran out of Jins room and quietly grabbed my things, I didn't want to wake Yoongi but I felt bad for running out like this. I decided to text him after I left so he wouldn't be mad I woke him. I ran home as fast as possible and made it with 15 minutes to spare. "Geez why are you in such a rush?" Michi asked "I have a date with Doyoung but I look like.. ew... why are you up??" I replied while putting on a clean pair of pants "Oh! Me and Hobi are working on our dance project today!" she replied while eating her cereal. "Ooo you guys should work with Yoongi and I! we have to compose an entire song together, you guys could dance to it while we sang for the performance?" Still I was running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off "Oh my gosh yes!! I'll tell him later!" Once I was done getting ready it was 9:58 and there was a knock at the door "Oo i'll get it!" Michi got up and went to answer the door as I remembered I need perfume!! I ran to my room and sprayed perfume while Mich yelled "Doyoungs here!!!" I collected myself and caught my breathe before walking out to see him standing at the door looking oh so perfect. "You ready?" he held out his hand to grab mine and we were off to our breakfast date.

So far away: Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now