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Things before starting
• the characters are humans, the dragons only have human forms but they're still dragons
• English is not my first language so i apologize if there's any mistake
pitaya is non binary so I'll use they/them for them
• knight is trans
• I'm using google translator for this so if there's a mistake let me know

The hollyberry kingdom, founded by the great warrior of the same name many years ago, it was always a prosperous and joyous Kingdom.

Until the day their queen disappeared.
No one knew what happened to Hollyberry, not even the royal family, they couldn't leave the kingdom without a ruler, so Hollyberry's son Royalberry rose to the crown alongside his wife Jungleberry

The Kingdom continued as before but it was not the same without its queen, everyone wanted to see her again, and among those people who wanted to see the warrior, one stands out;  an old rival, an old threat, someone no one in the kingdom thought to see

Pitaya, better know as the red dragon

The same dragon that Hollyberry had fought so many suns ago, one day like any other, appeared in the kingdom causing panic and intrigue to its inhabitants.

The dragon didn't ask, it demanded to see hollyberry and it wouldn't leave until they fought her.
The attempts of the kings were in vain, the dragon did not accept that the warrior had disappeared with the wind as if nothing

They couldn't convince the dragon to leave until the princess intervened

-¡six months!-
She scream, getting everyone's attention
-¡give us six months and we'll find hollyberry!-
The knight who was in charge of protecting her came running after her
-princess, it's dangerous, go back to the castle-
Said the knight trying to get the princess to move from her place

-ssix monthss, ok, I'll be back in sssix monthss-
The dragon began to flap its wings
-But if sshe issn't here when i return, the whole kingdom will be consumed by fire and desstruction-
The dragon finally flew away from the sight of the citizens

The problem now was to find hollyberry, no one knew were she went, they didn't even know if she was alive. For months the whole kingdom searched tirelessly for the founder without any success.

Five months passed and there was still no trace of the queen, the king began to worry, it would be better to evacuate while they have time to risk not finding the queen and the dragon taking the lives of innocents

Many did, many citizens fled the kingdom for fear that the dragon would destroy everything;  the rulers, the royal warriors and some villagers stayed, they had to give their all to protect their home

The knight in white armor who was in charge of protecting the princess had an idea, kill the dragon outside the kingdom, he knew that it lived in the dragon's valley, it would be the safest thing for everyone

Even if he had to risk his life, he was willing to protect the princess and the kingdom, he did not tell anyone, not even his beloved princess, he knew that everyone would deny and prohibit him because of how dangerous it was to even enter to the valley

So without anyone noticing, he ordered an armor resistant to infernal temperatures, he trained for days, he prepared himself mentally, and one night like any other, while everyone was asleep, he took his horse and went out to fulfill his mission, leaving only a letter that he explained everything to his beloved princess

The trip was long but finally he reached his destination, the entrance to the valley gave a bad feeling but that was not going to stop him, he went inside until he found the dragon's lair which was on top of a mountain

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now