To dragon city!

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After weeks of not having visited the Hollyberry kingdom, Pitaya landed in the forest on the outskirts of the kingdom, although they did not have time to transform into their human form and ended up crashing in the forest, breaking one or two trees. Once on the ground, Pitaya changed shape but stayed on top of the mess they made, they was too tired to get up.

Luckily, a few minutes later they heard Hollyberry's voice calling them, before they tried to get up to see her, Hollyberry grabbed them by the shoulders to shake them.
-Pitaya! Are you alright!?-
The queen asked worriedly.
-Ugh, let me sssleep-
Pitaya opened their eyes and tried to separate themself from their friend's grip.
-What do you mean sleep!? You destroyed a part of the forest just to sleep!?-
Hollyberry held them tightly so that they could see her directly but Pitaya didn't pay attention to her.
-Uuugh, don't yell-
The dragon leaned on Hollyberry's shoulder and closed their eyes to rest.

-You're... cold, Pitaya, what happened?-
Hollyberry looked at them worried as she took off her gloves to check the dragon's temperature, they wasn't that cold but they always emanated heat so it was strange not to feel that warmth.
-It'ss winter, obvioussly I'm cold-
-Pitaya, don't play around, let's go to the castle, Wildberry, help me with them-
The queen called her guard and he approached with the intention of completely carrying Pitaya, and they, like the proud dragon that they are, tried to separate themself suddenly but ended up falling.
-Ahk! Don't even think about it-
Even though they was on the ground, Pitaya refused to let Wildberry touch them even if it was to help.

-Pitaya, cooperate or we will let you die here-
The queen said seriously.
-Pff, let me die then-
Pitaya settled better on the ground
-Mmph, let's go to the castle so you can eat something-
-That sounds better than dying, come on-
Pitaya got up and started walking in the direction of the castle.
Along the way, they had to make a stop so that the dragon could recover a little, which Wilberry took advantage of to carry them and reach their destination faster, in the end Pitaya let themself be carried since they was too tired.

Upon arriving at the castle, Hollyberry put them in front of the fireplace, although she wanted to put them inside it so that the dragon would recover its normal temperature faster, unfortunately Pitaya did not fit inside the fireplace so they had to stay outside but very close to it.
Hollyberry prepared some food for the dragon and tried to get information out of them while they was eating but with their mouth full she couldn't understand anything so she had to wait for them to finish.

-Alright lizard, speak-
The queen sat next to them.
-Yum, I love your food-
Said Pitaya as they finished the last bite of their meal.
-What? You told me to sspeak and I sspoke-
The dragon hissed at her in mockery.
-I want you to explain to me what is happening in the valley-
-They say that there is a fire dragon attacking dragon city for a week, and you are the only fire dragon near that town-
Hollyberry said seriously, Pitaya, although they was surprised by what was said, their expression did not change much.
-Do you think I'm going to attack a town jusst becaussse I'm bored? Pff and you call yoursself my friend-
Pitaya leaned closer to the fireplace, putting their right arm inside it.
-No, obviously I know you wouldn't do that, but then who is the dragon that is causing so much trouble?-
The queen asked, more relieved to know that it was not them.
-Who knowss, no dragon I know would bother attacking a town in my domainss-
Pitaya thought about it for a few seconds but no, minimally intelligent, dragon would enter their valley and destroy a town in their territory.

-Mmh, if you don't know anything then we should go investigate, Wildberry and I were already on our way to the valley, that's why we found you so quickly in the forest-
The queen commented pointing to Wildberry who was leaning against the door frame.
-I thought you were training or ssomething, becausse of the armor-
Pitaya mentioned taking the queen's arm to see the armor
-No, the armor is to resist the heat of the valley-
-Iss that why you wanted me to repair it?-
-Yes, I had already planned to go since that day, but getting back to the topic, would you take us to the dragon valley? It will be easier if you take us flying-
Hollyberry asked, though it seemed more like a statement than a question.
-Yeah, I wass thinking of returning anyway, I haven't been there in weekss-
-Where were you?-
The queen asked, standing up.
-Jusst, y'know, walking and flying around, until I felt my energy weaken very quickly, I flew here becausse it was closser than the valley and I ended up crasshing, if I had tried to fly to the valley I would not have ssucceeded-
The dragon said as if nothing

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now