A long trip

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The journey from the dragon's valley to the hollyberry kingdom was long, too long but at least this time knight was not alone. Pitaya decided to walk with him all the way back. They had already left behind the valley of the dragon, the lands of dinosaurs and the ancient kingdom ruins; now they were in the forest that connects to the hollyberry kingdom.

-it'ss like honey but ten timess heavier and hotter-
Explained pitaya, among their conversations the subject of lava came up and how pitaya can be in it without problem to the point that they can consume it so they were trying to explain to knight the sensation of consuming it
-but its texture is like gravel-
-Did you not say it was like honey?-
Knight asked upon hearing the contradiction.
-it's like if you put honey in gravel-
clarified pitaya
-I see, and does it have flavor?-
Knight asked what he was most curious about
-no, it tasstes a bit dirty but it doesssn't have itsss own tasste-
Said pitaya trying to remember the best they could
-Too bad, although I am partly glad, so I do not feel the need to eat lava-
The blonde commented between laughs, from the first time he went to the valley he felt the need to consume lava but he knew he would die if he did.
-there really isss no usse eating it but the texture is nice to feel-
Pitaya smiled to themself as they remembered the sensation that lava gave them.

Knight noticed something out of the corner of his eye that caught his attention, a small cross with branches and some rocks around it, he approached to see better, pitaya noticed knight moving away from the road so they followed him
-Where are you going?-
asked pitaya, knight pointed to the cross
-looks like a tombstone-
Knight said to which pitaya paid more attention to the smell of the place
-yess, it ssmells like ssomeone died here-
Pitaya confirmed what the knight thought, the blonde crouched in front of the cross
-What are you doing?-
the dragon asked confused
-ah, when I was little my parents told me that I had to keep a minute of silence for the dead so I always do it-
Knight explained expecting a taunt like with fire spirit but to his surprise pitaya didn't say anything and even crouched next to him.
They both remained silent for a minute, Knight was the first to get up, followed by pitaya.

-I honestly thought you were going to make fun of me-
Said knight returning to the path
Asked confused pitaya
-many think it's nonsense-
-it doesn't sseem a nonssense to you-
commented the dragon
-It is not, I took it very seriously-
-And what is the use of keeping silence?-
asked pitaya
-to remember them, all lives are important because the simple fact of living is an achievement that must be recognized-
Knight explained, pitaya didn't really understand but they didn't have anything to contradict the blonde either so they just accepted it, they never understood the obsession of humans with death.

-but hey, it must be great to resist fire and lava, you can do so many things-
Knight commented, returning to their old conversation after being silent for a while.
-it iss, although it would be more usseful if the world had more lava than water-
Said pitaya taking dragon's tail, the pet had been on the knight's horse for a long time
-But at least you can touch the water, right? not like fire spirit-
Knight turned to see them for a few seconds before returning his gaze to the front.
-yeah I can but it hurtss my ssskin if I sspend a lot of time in the water-
-So how do you bathe?-
The blond asked, he had already lost all the shame of asking things about the dragon
-in lava, or in ssand like sssome animals-
Pitaya left dragon's tail on their shoulder
-Wow, it never would have crossed my mind, wait, can you drink water? I've seen you drink juice-
It seemed that Knight never ran out of questions but at least they had something to talk about.
-Not plain water, but juicess and alcohols that are not water bassed, yess, although my throat hurtsss a bit, the ssstrong flavor covers it-
Pitaya explained as they touched their neck as they remembered the sensation
-mmh well it had to have its disadvantages-
Just imagining the sore throat from taking anything made Knight stop wanting to be made of fire.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now