In the valley

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After preparing everything necessary for his trip, he only had to wait until the next day, he would leave as soon as the sunrise so he had to sleep early, knight went to say goodbye to princess and white choco since they did not wake up so early and they could not say goodbye tomorrow.
-don't go-
Said princess hugging knight without letting go after a while
-princess I need to go get dragon's tail, I can not let them keep it-
Knight returned the hug
-but the valley is very dangerous-
-I have been there several times, do not worry-
Princess kept making excuses for which knight would stay.

Knight turned to see white choco for help, after seeing her for a few seconds she realized what knight wanted
-princess, come on, knight really wants to go for dragon's tail, it would be very bad to forbid him after he already prepared everything-
Commented white choco putting a hand on the princess's shoulder
-mmh, well, I'm going with you-
Said princess finally letting go of the blond
-What? Princess, is very dangerous for you-
White and knight said almost at the same time
-Let's go the three of us-
added princess
-but princess-
White tried to convince her but before she could speak she was interrupted
-ah princess, dear, there you are-
Hollyberry walked into the room.
-your parents are looking for you, they want to talk to you-
The queen informed princess
-What? Oh no, what did I do?
Said the princess to herself
-it will be better to go, you shouldn't make them wait-
White choco took her by the hand and began walking, princess followed her doubtfully
-see you later knight, good luck-
White said goodbye
Princess quickly returned to Knight and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
-Take care, don't die and hit pitaya for me-
Said princess before leaving with white choco

-I really wouldn't recommend you going-
Hollyberry spoke before knight retired
-What? Why?-
Knight asked confused, the first time he told hollyberry a few days ago she seemed to agree with him
-The dragon's valley is dangerous and if what pitaya said about dragon's tail not supporting the cold is true, it would be better to leave it this season with them in the valley-
hollyberry explained
-you are right but I also want to talk to pitaya about something, besides I would like to say goodbye to dragon's tail-
Knight said, he didn't really know what he was going to say to the dragon but he wanted to talk to them about gardener and about the queen herself
-mmh, what do you think if wildberry goes with you?-
suggested hollyberry
-Do not worry, Your Majesty, I have been to the valley several times and I know how to take care of myself-
Knight denied the offer
-I trust you but sometimes nature can be cruel-
She commented with a more worried tone than before.
-if you really want to go, then go ahead, but I would recommend that you don't-
Hollyberry patted him on the shoulder before leaving.

The next day, just before sunrise, the knight was already out of the kingdom on his horse, he had not left the kingdom like this for a long time, the last time he also had the same destiny but now for a different reason, on second thought, the last time he also went in search of pitaya and if everything goes well he will also return with dragon's tail like that time, he just hopes that this time he won't have to spend a month in the hospital due to internal bleeding.

After a whole day traveling he was finally able to reach the dragon's valley, at the entrance of this was the mala sauce tribe, he stopped by to greet mala sauce and leave his horse there since not even a fool would risk entering with his precious horse to a place like that, he also took the opportunity to sleep.

The next day he wasted no time and entered the valley, he passed through the same area as the other time but the place seemed to change constantly and the mist next to the lava made it difficult to orient himself.
For his good, or bad luck, he found an expert in the area

-Why so lonely? You got lost?-
A familiar voice was heard from behind Knight.
-hello fire spirit-
The blond turned to see him.
-What bringss you to my humble abode? Do you want to die or what?-
The spirit asked between laughs
-fire spirit I need you to help me find pitaya-
-What is your obsession? Knight, if it's not for you, it's not for you, you musst learn to overcome-
He commented a little annoyed but with his usual mocking tone
-Okay, if you do not want to help me, do not distract me-
Knight began to walk
-Wait, I can't help you like that, navigating the valley is a difficult task, what are you going to give me in return?-
Fire spirit reached out to stop him
-mmh i'll invite you to eat later-
-nah i don't feel like eating-
The spirit commented, Knight thought a little about what else to offer him
-I'll buy you whatever you want-
-this way gentleman-
Fire pointed to a path and put his arm out for knight to take but he passed by and walked in the indicated direction.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now