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The day began and Knight woke up forcibly because Dragon's Tail decided to try to bite his face.
-Auch, hey-
Knight complained as soon as he opened his eyes but when he got up he realized why his pet bit him, he had fallen asleep on top of its favorite stuffed animal and couldn't get it out.
-Here, and don't bite me again-
As soon as Dragon's Tail had the stuffed animal in its mouth, it ran out to play all over the room.
-I don't know how you have so much energy when it's so cold-
Knight commented, lying down again, before closing his eyes he managed to see his pet burn one of its balls and bite it to extinguish it.
-Oh right, the scales-
Knight said to himself when he remembered that he gave it the scales pitaya gave him so that it would withstand the cold.

After a while Knight got up since he couldn't go back to sleep, and he decided to go take a bath to look handsome for his date; Speaking of his date, he had forgotten to tell Pitaya a time or a place so all he had to do was wait for the dragon to arrive suddenly.

He put on his purple armor to better resist the cold since his idea for a date with Pitaya included going out to train so he needed to be ready for the cold.
When he went down to the dining room, Princess was running away from White Choco.
-Hi knight, bye knight-
Princess said as she passed the guard.
-Bro, you could have stopped her-
White Choco stopped next to him to catch her breath a little.
-Sorry but she looks happy running from you-
Knight joked so he received a friendly punch on the arm.
-So, did you ask pitaya out?-
The tallest one asked, seeing the princess in the distance, motioning for her to continue chasing her.
-Yes, today is supposed to be our date-
-What do you mean "supposed"?-
White choco interrupted knight
Princess arrived hugging her girlfriend and interrupting knight

-Hey knight, pitaya is in the yard fighting with my grandmama, you can go ask them out on a date when they're done-
The princess mentioned
-In fact I already invited them yesterday-
-Oh really? And what did they tell you? When are you going to see each other?
Princess asked excitedly, taking Knight by the arms to shake him.
-It's supposed to be today but-
-What do you mean "supposed"?-
Princess interrupted him again.
-That's what I asked-
Added white choco
-Well, I asked them if they wanted to have a date today and they said yes but we didn't agree on a time or anything.
Knight explained, letting go of Princess's grip so she wouldn't shake him again.

-Oh knight, you don't know how to invite someone on a date-
White choco laughed
-It's the first time i invited someone other than a princess, you can't blame me-
Knight was a little sad because his friend was right.
-Well, go see how my grandma fights with your girlfriend and then tell us how your date went.
The princess said trying to cheer him up.
-Pitaya is not my-
-Tag! You're it! Ha ha ha-
Princess interrupted him again and gave White Choco a light blow before starting to run, the taller one began to run after the princess, leaving Knight alone.

Knight was about to go out to the patio but Queen Hollyberry entered at a fast pace, followed by Pitaya.
-Just a loser like you wouldn't accept losing-
The queen said, sticking her tongue out at the dragon.
-I want revenge, that one didn't count-
The dragon complained, following her at the same speed.
-Tomorrow, look there is Knight, go bother him-
Hollyberry pushed Pitaya to go in the direction of the blonde.
-I'm going to beat you at the party-
Pitaya said, trying to force her not to push them.
-I want to see you try it, you old lizard-
Hollyberry carried them, making Pitaya stay still, Hollyberry was able to put them down and leave without so much trouble.
-Hahaha what a dummie-
The queen mocked them before leaving, Pitaya only hissed at her when they regained their composure.

-Good morning-
Knight greeted when Pitaya turned to see him.
Pitaya stretched to regain some of their energy
-Sso when do we sstart the date?-
asked the dragon
-Oh right, well, when you have free time-
-I have free time now, and almosst alwayss honestly-
-Well, in that case I guess we can start now-
Knight said nervously, his ability to think under pressure went out the window and he had no idea what to do.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now