Can you let me finish?

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Xe/Xem pronouns for lotus dragon


Knight got tired of being in his room and went out to throw out the garbage, he hadn't come out after what happened and it had already gotten dark
"I was an idiot to think that I could be their friend. My parents would be disappointed" he
repeated himself mentally over and over again

Something that he still did not understand and kept going through his head was the fact that he did not have any scars on his neck even when he felt the cut, he could not have imagined it since it would not explain the blood. He wanted to stop thinking about Pitaya in general but that fact did not he left his head
He tried to stop trying to explain it and he continued with his thing, he had no appetite so he spent the rest of the day in his room, at night he tried to sleep but he couldn't; he tossed and turned in his bed all night

"If only I had reacted faster" "if I hadn't let them in" "if only-" and many similar thoughts were going through the blond's head. Even though it was the dragon's fault, he kept blaming himself, what they said stuck with him, apparently losing the tip of his tail and burning his skin affected them a lot, well, anyone would be affected the same way, but Knight feel wrong? He shouldn't feel that way but to be honest he didn't even know what he felt; he was sad, angry, he felt guilty but not at the same time, without realizing it he fell asleep.

He woke up with dragon's tail "biting" his hand, but since it had no teeth he felt strange.
He got up and looked at his watch, he woke up earlier than usual, he didn't even know what time he fell asleep. He dressed up as always, with his armor, he was only one day without armor and they almost killed him.

He left his room to eat something, since he didn't have dinner the day before he was quite hungry.
He prepared something and when he finished eating, Hollyberry entered the dining room
-Good morning, have you seen Pitaya?-
Hollyberry asked
Knight answered dryly, just what he doesn't want to think about is the first thing the queen says to him
-since yesterday I don't see them, I hope they returns soon, they can take care of themself, the only thing that worries me is that they can do something stupid, you know-
Hollyberry approached Knight
-I'll be in my office finishing some work, if you see them tell them not to leave without telling me, they likes you so they'll listen to you-
Knight didn't know how to react to that after what happened, he faked a smile and nodded, Hollyberry entered the kitchen and Knight took the opportunity to leave

He left the castle to distract himself, it was his vacation but he wanted to continue with his work, it was something that he liked and it was distracting even that it was boring without princess

Hollyberry was in her office doing paperwork, sometimes she forgot how tedious it was to be queen but seeing her citizens and family happy gave her incomparable happiness.
She heard her window being opened, she turned around expecting to see Pitaya but to her surprise it was fire spirit
The guy stepped on the wrong foot and fell face down
-fire spirit? What are you doing here? You know you can get in through the door-
Hollyberry got up to help him but he got up quickly as if nothing had happened
-I can't, they banned me from entering the castle-
He said brushing off his clothes
-what did you do to get banned from entering the castle?-
-yess , hey, did something happen between you and Pitaya?-
He ask changing the subject
-no, in fact I wanted to ask you if you knew where they was, since I haven't seen them since yesterday-
Hollyberry sat down again in front of her desk
-they are in the valley but they looked a bit strange-
Mentioned fire spirit
-well, I really don't know if something happened to them, I asked knight and he doesn't know anything either-
-knight? What does he have to do with them? I'm going to ssee him-
Fire asked but he didn't let the queen answer him and he went out the window again
He said before flying off while covering his body in flames

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now