Not this again...

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Knight woke up as always hugging dragons tail although this time what woke him up was something else, pitaya's pet, dragon fruitling stayed with him all night because he didn't want to left the blonde.
"Well, now it's yoursss"
It was the only thing pitaya said to him about it, although they was half asleep so he didn't take their word seriously

Dragon fruitling was playing with knight's red dragon plush to which dragons tail joined when it fully woke up.
After seeing them play, Knight finally got up and quickly regretted when he felt the pain all over his body

While he was getting ready, he noticed that the cactus that royal gardener gave him had a bite
-what the?-
Knight said to himself
The bite was the size of a dragon fruitling and dragons tail didn't even have teeth so it was obvious who was the culprit, pitaya mentioned that it ate dirt so it probably eats plants too, or maybe he's wrong and the pet will vomit in a while

Knight came out with both pets following him, dragons tail followed dragon fruitling and this one followed him, for this reason he felt more comfortable taking them off leash so he didn't worry, he just hoped neither of them would get out of control

While Knight was waiting for the dragon, he began to prepare the things that he wanted to teach them, he had planned to knit or draw, they are two things that he has seen pitaya do on their own so they seemed like a good idea
Princess entered the dining room
-good morning knight, what are you going to do? do with that?-
The princess sat in front of the knight
-good morning your highness, I wanted to invite pitaya to knit since last time they seemed happy doing it-
Knight said finishing putting the wool on the table
-pitaya? You spend a lot of time with them lately, why?-
Princess asked curiously
-Queen Hollyberry asked me to help reform them and I've been looking for something they likes enough to stop thinking about causing chaos-
Knight answered
-reform them? Just hit them hard enough so that they doesn't want to bother us again-
-haha, as much as I would like to, I do not think it isthe best way, we want them to change, not to scare them for a few years-
Knight knew she was serious but her expression seemed funny to him, more than anything because he had also thought about it

-mmmh it would be easier if grandma didn't like them-
The princess commented
-well, pitaya can be nice-
Knight said before leaving so as not to be questioned
-nooo! Knight, don't let them wash your mind too-
Princess took Knight in a hug preventing him from leaving
-Calm down princess, I will not do something as crazy as inviting them to live in the castle-
Knight laughed at his comment but Princess didn't take it the same way
-do you want to eat?-
He asked trying to change her mood
-yes, but i was waiting for white choco-
Princess released him and turned to see the entrances to the dining room
-Well, what do you want to eat? To have it ready for when white choco arrives-
Knight went to the kitchen being followed by both pets

White choco finally arrived and the three of them ate together while catching up on their lives.
The girlfriends told her about the parties they had been to lately
-and Cherry blossom told us that her little sister had exploded the cookies by accident-
Princess told while finishing her meal
-I'm surprised blossom let her use explosives even though she's so small-
Commented white choco
-And you alright, knight? You haven't talked much-
Princess asked turning to see him
-mhh? Ah sorry I was a little distracted-
Knight said coming down from his cloud of thought

-What have you done these days?-
White Choco asked
-Well, I've been helping Queen Hollyberry in her attempt to reform pitaya-
The blonde commented
-Reform pitaya? Are you sure you can?-
White choco didn't expect that but it didn't surprise her either
-Well, I'll do my best-
-good luck with that, man, you'll surely need it-
The guard got up to collect the dishes
-Yes, good luck, I highly doubt someone like them would even think about changing-
Princess commented
-they hasn't made a mess since Queen Hollyberry returned so we already have an advance-
Knight said
-Anyway , if they does something to you just tell me and I'll go teach them a lesson
Said the princess while she cracked her knuckles
-Thank you princess, but do not worry I can defend myself-
-haha yeah sure-
White Choco mocked entering the dining room again

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now