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Pitaya was walking through the corridors of the castle, it was too early to bother Hollyberry but they didn't need to sleep as often as the others so they resigned themself to bothering someone else, almost always Royalberry being their victim, but like the queen, and all humans, he also had to sleep every night. The dragon didn't have many options left, they could do something of what Hollyberry has taught them but it was boring to do it alone so they just walked around hoping to find something entertaining

Pitaya walked until they heard a noise from a room, they approached to identify what it was and they noticed that it came from Princess's room, it sounded as if the princess was injured, they knocked on the door and received another similar noise, they decided to enter and found Princess vomiting, they quickly looked for Hollyberry to attend to Princess

Knight woke up early as always and he got ready to go out and start his day, when he opened his closet he remembered that he left the unopened gifts there, he took out the bags and opened it to see what it was and where to put them.
Among what they gave him was a dog toy and a leash with a collar
-dragons tail, look-
The pet ran to his owner when he heard his name, the blonde put the collar on but dragons tail quickly took it off
-you don't like it? -
The pet began to play with the wrapping paper that he left on the floor

Knight arranged some of the gifts on his furniture and left others on his bed to open them later. He left his room in the direction of Princess's room to continue his usual routine.
When he turned in the corridor, he saw Queen Jungleberry and Doctor Bones talking in front of the princess's door. He came over to make sure she was okay

-Good morning, Your Majesty, doctor, is something wrong?-
-Good morning, knight, Princess woke up in a bad condition, you can take the day since she will have to stay in her room-
The queen told him calmly
-What does the princess have?-
Knight asked concerned
-only a stomach infection, I'm sure she'll be fine in a few days-
The doctor turned to Knight
-How long is a few days? we had something planned-
The queen asked a little worried
-in one or two days she will be running as usual, don't worry-
The doctor turned to the queen

-can I come and see her?-
Knight pointed to the door and Dr. Bones moved away from the entrance
-of course, go ahead-
The skeleton opened the door for the blond
Knight entered and Princess was in her bed, next to her was a bucket and several large glasses of water
-Good morning princess, how are you feeling?-
The blonde stood next to the bed

The princess sat on the bed when she saw knight
-Hello knight, I feel better than in the morning-
Princess took a glass to drink water
The pink-haired woman called in a low voice
-If I die I want you to be the new princess-
She said seriously without opening her eyes
-What!? Princess, don't say that! You're not going to die-
-the doctor told me that the pain was from all the food yesterday-
The blonde looked at her confused
-you don't understand, I would do it again, in fact, I'll do it again on my birthday, the food is worth it-

The blonde was going to say something but was interrupted by Queen Jungleberry entering the room
-Young lady, from now on you'll have to measure yourself with food-
The queen said firmly as she walked until she reached the bed
-Knight, next time Maybe you'll have to make sure that Princess doesn't do the same thing again-
The blonde nodded and turned to see Princess
-knight, you go enjoy your gifts, I don't want to bother you with my vomit-
The princess settled in her bed

- Are you sure princess? I don't mind staying with you-
The blond gave her another glass of water
-yes, but bring dragons tail when you can-
Princess drank the water on one sit
Knight said goodbye to both and left

He went to his room and finished opening the gifts he received, at the end of everything he took out the garbage he made and went to eat, he would take dragons tail with the princess when he finished breakfast
The blonde finished his meal in peace and went to his room, he was going to take dragons tail with Princess but he wanted to train a bit to wake up completely.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now