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Knight woke up with horrible body pain, as soon as he opened his eyes he noticed that he was in his room, he doesn't remember going back to his room, well, he didn't remember anything from yesterday but if he had entered his room he would remember dragon's tail receiving him. Speaking of his pet, it was not lying with him as usual, he tried to get up but the muscle pain made it difficult, when he sat down he noticed that he did not have much of his armor on; He only had the bags, the back, his gloves and only one knee pad. The rest of his armor was on the floor next to his bed but he still couldn't see dragon's tail.

He got up with pain in his body and slowly put the armor back on, when he already had half on he remembered that he had been fighting all night the day before and he was covered in sweat so he had to bathe.
He began to remove his armor at a slow pace and when he took off his bags he felt something in them, the lipstick from the day before, Knight looked at it for a few seconds feeling all the memories of yesterday and his entire life in the republic fill his mind, he quickly threw it to the other end of his room trying to cover up the memories.

He went out to bathe to be clean and forget the bad times, he returned to his room to get ready but when he returned there was still no sign of his pet, luckily the bath eased the pain so it didn't hurt so much to move.
He took medicine for muscle pain and went in search of pitaya, they was the last one he was with yesterday and one of the few that would take dragon's tail.

He searched throughout the castle but did not find pitaya, he was going to keep looking but his body began to demanding him to eat something, now that he remembers he did not even have dinner yesterday.

When he got to the dining room, he found Madeleine talking to Pistachio. Madeleine, seeing him, quickly approached Knight.
-Knight! Sorry for not being here early, I'm so sorry-
The taller man hugged his friend tightly, Knight laughed as he saw Pistachio quickly walk away as soon as Madeleine was distracted.
-What are you taking about?-
Knight asked with difficulty since Madeleine was squeezing him too much, luckily he didn't take his breath away
-I heard your mother say that she would come looking for you, I tried to stop her but she didn't listen to me so I came as fast as I could to warn you-
explained madeleine

Knight felt a few small tears in his eyes when he remembered the woman from yesterday but he quickly pushed Madeleine away so he wouldn't notice.
-Don't worry, everything is fine-
said knight trying to sound ok
-Oh really? She hasn't arrived?-
Madeleine smiled as always but his smile disappeared when he saw knight's sad eyes.
-she arrived yesterday but it doesn't matter anymore-
Knight was going to explain what had happened but Madeleine hugged him before he could speak.
-I'm so sorry, I came as fast as I could but I left long after she did, please forgive me-
Said the tallest hugging him tightly

Knight felt the tears come out of his eyes but he didn't want to cry anymore, he just wants to find his pet, he covered his face trying to calm down.
-Do you want to tell me what happened?-
Madeleine asked stroking Knight's head even though he had his helmet on, Knight shook his head to the sides to deny
-You want to go to eat?-
Knight nodded, Madeleine patted him on the back.
-Do you want to separate now?-
Knight refused again, Madeleine smiled sadly when he saw his friend in that state and waited for him to separate so he could take him to eat.

Shortly after, Knight calmed down and they were able to go out for breakfast. On the way, Madeleine was the one who talked the most since Knight didn't want to talk that much, although it wasn't unusual, Madeleine never shut up and Knight liked to listen to him. The two of them had breakfast in one of the many stalls in the market, just as Madeleine always told him about her life in the republic and his many adventures outside of it, about his personal life and something else he heard when talking to the people of the republic.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now