Going on a walk

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The next day the sun began to rise and illuminated the kingdom.
A ray of light entered through the window of the knight who was still asleep.

He woke up quickly when he heard a rumble outside the castle, he got up and looked out his window to find the cause, the horses had left the stable; it seemed that something scared them, some guards were already behind them

Knight got ready to start the day, he turned his eyes to his bed where dragons tail was, it was awake and seemed happy, he took the creature in his arms and began to caress it, he had taken it as his pet after it came to life , he had planned to leave it with aloe but it didn't seem to want to get separate from knight

The creature shed blood from time to time but knight stopped caring, he didn't feed it since it doesn't have a mouth or digestive system so he just leaves it in his room, he quickly grew fond of the creature, it could be a part mauled from the dragon but it was cute

Knight left dragons tail on his bed and got ready to go out, he looked at his armor to decide which one to use, the ice armor was still there, he was afraid to use it and that pitaya would recognize him, so he put on his casual armor and went in the direction to the princess' room to wait for her to wake up

Walking through the halls of the castle he ran into the queen

-Good morning, Her Majesty-
Knight made a little bow
-Hahaha there's no need for such formality, you are a knight, right?-
-That's right, majesty, I'm the princess's personal guard-
-Ha, does my granddaughter need a personal guard? Well, at her age I also got into a lot of trouble-
Hollyberry responded with her usual humor

-I like that you are awake so early, you have to take advantage of the day, let's work hard-
Hollyberry patted him on the shoulder and continued on her way.

Knight stayed in his place for a moment, the queen and warrior hollyberry touched his shoulder, what an honor

He returned to reality shortly after and continued on his way, when he arrived he stood next to the door waiting for his princess while watching around

On the other hand, the queen went to the room where she left the dragon the night before, knocked on the door but didn't get an answer so she entered.
The room was a mess, the base of the bed, the nightstand and the wardrobe were a barricade between the door and the mattress; which was on the ground next to the sheets in the form of a nest while the dragon slept on it in a weird position

They were in their human form but had a few small features of their normal form, a pair of extra horns that came from the bottom of their head and ended on the sides of their jaw, scales on their face, their feet were shaped like claws. and seemed to be even taller than before

Hollyberry approached to see more of the dragon's features but they woke up as soon as the queen took a step, sat down as they couldn't stand up completely and slowly their features began to fade to fit their human form completely.

-Good morning, will you explain to me what this disorder is?-
The queen asked in an annoying tone
-humanss are weird, your bedss are uncomfortable and a door is not enough protection-
-You live in a cave with a giant entrance-
Hollyberry started moving the furniture away from the door.
-in my normal form, with this form there's not much to do-
Pitaya just watched her
-Can you get up?-
-What do you think?-
The queen laughed
-all right stay here, I'll bring you something to eat, well, it's not that you can move haha-
Hollyberry came out of the room listening to their characteristic hiss.

Knight was lost in his thoughts leaning against the wall until princess came out of her room.
-Good morning, princess, did you sleep well?-
-Good morning knight, I slept perfectly, let's have breakfast-
The pink-haired girl started walking towards the dining room while the blonde followed her.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now