Valentine's Day

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-Is this necessary?-
Knight asked, watching Princess putting a bow on the armor of Steamed Milk, his horse.
-Super necessary, you need to look pretty for tomorrow-
Princess finished decorating the horse's armor and walked away a little to see it completely.
-Perfect! It will look fantastic on you and your rose armor-
Princess took off the armor so the horse would rest
-What a good boy you are, you behaved very well-
The princess put the armor aside and began to caress him
-Too good, I'm sure he doesn't have a survival instinct, you would die in nature, you know?-
Knight stroked his head and stared at him, his horse only breaking free from his grip and got closer to him.

-Oh Knight, he understood you and he's going to kill you-
The princess joked
-Nah, he just wants this-
Knight took out the carrots he had brought as a prize and began to give them to him one by one.
-Oh! I also want to give him one-
Princess took one of the carrots and tried to give it to steamed milk but the horse ignored her and finished the ones Knight had in his hand first.
-Hey! Don't ignore me-
The princess complained, drawing the horse's attention. He finally ate the carrot that the princess had and left when he saw that they had no more prizes for him.

-Well, everything is ready for tomorrow, you remember the plan, right?-
Princess asked, turning to Knight.
-Take you to White Choco's house and wait until she finishes getting ready to take you to the restaurant-
Knight summarized the first part of the plan
-Yes, and then when the sun is setting we are going to the garden where you will be. Did you manage to convince Pitaya to help us with the fire? -
-Yes, it wasn't difficult, when I told them that they just had to spit fire they accepted immediately-
-Brilliant! The pink and green fire of Pitaya will look amazing with the flowers in the garden-
The princess said excitedly, starting to walk towards the castle.
-This is going to be the best Valentine's date of her life-
-I'm sure it will-
Knight was as excited as she was.

Princess had been preparing for her Valentine's date with White Choco for weeks and when she asked Knight for help, he obviously accepted, the date took up most of the day but Knight would only help in the morning; taking Princess to White Choco's house, and in the afternoon, being her chef and helping light the candles with Pitaya's signature fire.

Knight was planning to ask Pitaya out on a date, but helping Princess on her date was more important. And even if he wanted to invite them, he couldn't since the dragon was busy repairing their nest after the problem they had with the lava dragon.
He would still give them a gift and ask them to be his partner that day at night after helping Princess.


The next day, Knight got up early and got ready to wait for Princess, he would take her on his horse to White Choco's house to wake her up with mariachis and give her a new custom-made suit.

While Knight was waiting for Princess next to steamed milk, he started to think about how he should ask Pitaya to be his partner, they probably wouldn't reject him after everything that happened but he still wanted it to be something nice.
“Let's fight and if I win, you will have to be my partner” sounds ridiculous but with Pitaya it might work.
“Would you give me the honor of being my partner?” very formal but it was more his style.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" It lacked energy and Pitaya may find it boring
“We should be a couple, if you want” horrible in several aspects

Unfortunately, Knight didn't have any more time to think as Princess arrived with the gift of White Choco in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.
-Good morning Knight!-
-Good morning your highness, you look very pretty-
-Thank you, ready to go?-
-That's what I should ask, are you ready for your date?-
Knight took the bouquet of flowers so she wouldn't have to carry so much.
-More than ready! I hardly sleep because of the excitement-
Princess hugged him by the arm, jumping slightly with excitement.
-Then what are we waiting for? Come on-
Knight started to walk but Princess stopped him.

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now