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Knight woke up with body pain, it always happened when he didn't warm up well before fighting, he closed his eyes and hugged Dragons Tail, he wanted to go back to sleep but he remembered that his pet was with Princess, he opened his eyes to realize that he was hugging the red dragon plush that White Choco gave him. He tossed the plush away and got up from his bed. He got ready as always and quickly went to Princess's room.

The dragon was in front of Princess's room. Since they arrived at the castle, they noticed that there was a very familiar aroma among the corridors, their aroma, they had not been there so it was strange, Hollyberry told them that they could not enter the rooms unless it was theirs so they tried to follow the rule although their curiosity tempted them to enter.
The scent was normally in another room but today it was in the princess's room, could it be because it was there yesterday? That wouldn't make sense because they hadn't been in the other room so it should be something else.

They had an idea, they could go in and say they just wanted to help Princess like last time.
They decided to do it but when they put their hand on the doorknob someone else put his hand preventing them from opening the door, it was a knight, Pitaya mentally laughed when they remembered his name. The knight also had the scent of the dragon, it could be because they were fighting yesterday but he had their scent since before so it didn't make sense that their scent was all over the castle

-Good morning-
Knight said faking a smile. What are you they here? The blond asked himself
-good morning-
Said the dragon trying to open the door but knight prevented it
-the princess is not in condition so you better not go in-
Knight stood between the door and the dragon, he felt very small in front of them but he had to prevent them from seeing the princess with the tip of their tail, he didn't want to know what would happen but he was already ready to prevent

-I know, I just want to check that she's okay-
-I'll check the status of the princess, you don't want to see all the vomit-
The two stared at each other waiting for the other to move, neither said or did anything for a while
-what are you two doing? If you're going to fight, go outside-
Hollyberry arrived and pushed them away from the door
They both said at the same time and they were both interrupted
-i don't wanna hear it, my granddaughter is in no condition to see you fight, go away-
Hollyberry blocked the door until they both left

Both took different paths but knight turned around to return to Princess's room
Upon arrival he knocked on the door and entered after receiving permission
-Princess, good morning-
When he entered, princess was lying with dragons tail asleep next to her and Hollyberry next to her bed
-hello knight-
The princess greeted and the pet upon hearing his owner name got up quickly to receive knight

-haha reminds me of a puppy-
Hollyberry mentioned
The three talked for a while about the princess's state and in the end the queen left the room
Knight didn't mention what happened with the dragon, he didn't want to scare her or worry her.

-Are you hungry? I can bring you something after leaving dragons tail-
Knight asked as he heard Princess's stomach
-yes, please, can you make pancakes? I really liked the last time you make some-
-Sure, I'll be right back-
Knight took Dragons Tail and wrapped it in his cape, he left quickly and left it in his room
-Be good-
He told it before closing the door

He went to the kitchen to cook and returned shortly after to Princess's room, he spent the whole morning with the princess until he realized that it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon and he went out to the patio, but not before explaining to Princess where he was goin, she understood and lay down to rest

Knight went out and at the entrance he met with the queen and the dragon talking
-knight, I was just going to look for you, I'm going to beat Pitaya, let's go-
The queen greeted and left being followed by the other two.
The tallest ones spoke along the way, when they arrived they were surprised, there were people in the patio steps and when they saw them arrive they began to cheer
-did you tell someone about the fight?-
Hollyberry asked towards knight

Careful, I Might Burn You [ Pitaya x Knight ]Where stories live. Discover now