Caught By The Ears

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Kiara walked up to Kronii to check on her. By just examining Mumei's patient without touching her, Kiara could tell that Kronii is deprived of having not fed on someone's blood for a long time, but what concerns Kiara the most right now is Kronii's "accident." Why would a pure blooded vampire be roaming around within a human city? Kiara's head began to fill with more questions than answers, she shook her head and sighed. 

Having a vampire in one of the most busy hospitals in the city may bring more trouble and complications if this Pure Blood doesn't heal quickly. One thing only comes into Kiara's mind is to make this Vampire feed on a virgins blood. This way, Kronii could heal her own wounds faster. But no, her job is to protect lives. She can't risk having anyone turn into a half vampire like herself, nor have anyone die. Kiara then took out Mumei's blood sample from her pocket, and slowly poured a little into Kronii's mouth. Slowly Kiara could see the blood working its wonders as the skin's color returned.

Kronii slowly wakes up and sees Kiara coldly staring at her. It shocked her which made her lift herself up.

"Where am I?!" yelled Kronii. 

Kiara's expression changed from cold to warm. 

"It's fine. You're at my hospital. You had a massive wound on your waist which caused you to have blood loss. Along with a couple of fractures and brushing from getting hit by a car. Now, most of those could have quickly healed if  you had fed." said Kiara as she sat down on a chair nearby. 

A flashback ran through Kronii's mind as she recalled her previous events. She had just arrived at the entrance of the city. When she was suddenly attacked by her elder brother, Krono Ouro. Who was sent by their father to bring Kronii back home. Like all pure blooded vampire families, humans were viewed as nothing more than livestock to them. However, humans always intrigued Kronii ever since she was able to make a friend with one from her childhood. But once her family found out about it, she wasn't ever going to forgive them. So Kronii decided to live away from her family and found herself here at Holo City.

 As Kronii was being chased by her brother, she tightly held onto her bleeding wound. After that her memory becomes a little blurry. Last thing she remembered was seeing Doctor Nanashi tending to Kronii as she was laying on a hospital bed. 

"I can't be in a hospital! Get me out and of here!" yelled Kronii.

Kronii lifted herself but was then pushed back to lay down by Kiara. Kiara held on the wound making Kronii flinch for it stings. 

"How did you get hurt?" asked Kiara. 

"Were you being hunted or did your hunt turn on you?" Kiara whispered to Kronii's ear. 

Kronii stared at Kiara, confused by her sudden questions. That was until she felt the scent of another vampire, and it was from Kiara. She's late to notice because her abilities have gotten weak from her blood loss.

"That's none of your business." said Kronii. 

Kiara let out a frustrated sigh, she's irritated by this pure blooded vampire's rudeness. Kiara sat back again and glared at Kronii, if Kiara disliked anything, it was a Pure Bloods attitude. Examining Kronii's body, she can't think of any reason for Kronii to be here. 

"Ah! I'm too tired to think anymore. What's your name?" said Kiara. 

"I'm not letting you know." Kronii spat.

"I'm no enemy. I'm a doctor here so I have the right to know your name." 

Kronii scoffed and glared back to Kiara. Kiara was giving a "you can trust me" face but Kronii refused to trust her. Kiara just stared at her until it finally triggered Kronii to talk.

"Fine! Just stop staring at me. It's Kronii. Kronii... Ouro." said Kronii. 

Kiara's eyes widened from shock. Kiara has heard whispers and rumors of the Ouro family name, mostly not good things. Kiara shrugged it off and took a breath. 

"Then, Kronii, what's the last thing you remember before you got here?" asked Kiara.

What happened was very clear for Kronii to remember. As Kronii recalled her previous events, she bit her lip in anger. 

"I hate my family. I was tired of drinking human's blood, so I starved myself. My brother was concerned and tried to convince me to drink human blood but I still refused. Then, we got into a fight, he had our parents involved. I got mad at all of them so I ran away. My father ordered my brother to bring me back, even by force if necessary. He chased me and after a while. My brother tried to ask me to return peacefully, but I ignored him. I ran again but he caught up, but this time he drew his sword causing us both to fight, and that was when he cut me. I was already weak from not drinking blood, but I managed to hit him again on his weak point. I then took that moment to run away towards this city. I didn't know which way to go, so I just picked randomly and ended up at some street and got hit, I suppose. "

Kiara then examined Kronii cuts on her face closely. 

"You went through a lot." said Kiara. "I'll lift you shirt up so I can take a closer look on your wound, alright?" said Kiara. Kronii allowed her. 

Kiara touched the wound as gently as she can so Kronii wouldn't flinch. Mumei did a perfect job on stitching her up. Kiara is satisfied with the job well done, as expected from a general surgeon. As Kiara is satisfied with Kronii's perfectly done stitching, she lifted herself up and took the patient's medical chart. She wrote down Kronii's name for Mumei to notice. Kiara put it back and looked at Kronii once again.

"I know that you don't want to drink human blood anymore but you have to take a lot right now. I can't have you stay here." said Kiara. 

"Then I'll leave without taking any." 

"You can't. Once you've entered this hospital, It's our job to care for you. So, you have to do what we doctors say. Besides, I can't let anyone, humans or vampires, die in my hospital. Here take this for now." said Kiara as she offered the rest of Mumei's blood sample. 

Kronii looked away, trying to refuse the offer. She's tired of tasting the same taste of a human blood. 

"You'll like this one, I promise. It's different from what we normally drink." 

"How can there be a difference? Humans are the same." 

"I swear you'll like this one." 

Kronii kept refusing on the offer. Kiara got irritated but she's not giving up. Kiara stopped offering the blood to Kronii and placed the sample next to Kronii, then walked out of the room. Finally alone, Kronii released a heavy sigh. 

"I should get out of here..." said Kronii.

She looked around the room, making sure no one sees her. Once she's sure the surrounding is clear, she tried to get up from the bed. Her wound hurt and made her flinch. She then held onto her waist and slowly walked across the door. She walked pass Kiara without realizing. Kiara of course noticed Kronii. She put down her phone and turned around to follow Kronii. Not knowing the hospital, Kronii seemed to walk in circles.

"How many more laps, Kronii?" asked Kiara, scaring Kronii.

"GWAK!" yelled Kronii and turned around to see Kiara.

"Ugh! Get me out of here! I'm not allowed here!" said Kronii.

"No one said you're not allowed in my hospital. Can you just stay on bed and wait for your doctor? Jeez." said Kiara.

"No, I am not. Thanks and no thanks for taking care of me." Kronii said half hearted.

"You leave me no choice then." Kiara sighed and shook her head.

Kiara stared into Kronii's eyes as her eyes turned red and glowed. Within a split second, they're back in Kronii's room. Kronii laying down on her bed once again.

"I'm not letting you go until you drink blood." said Kiara.

"What blood?" asked Mumei.

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