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Mumei has been discharged and after she knew she was an emplyee at this hospital, she was told again that she was suspended. But with what happened to Mumei, she was then fired. But Kiara reassured her that she can come back any time.

Fauna saw everything and lost hope. She finally let go of her feeling towards Mumei since Kronii is there for her. Sooner enough, she found her true love with Sana! Sana who stayed there for Fauna no matter how many times she got her heart broken everytime she saw Fauna with Mumei.

Now with Kronii, who is still there for Mumei to help her remember everything. Recently, Kronii has been treating Mumei like her girlfriend and Mumei seems to be very happy with it.

Right now, they're out together at some sort of a viewing place. They're on top of a building with a blue pause sign, staring at the sunset. Although, Kronii isn't watching. It was just Mumei. She had her legs crossed and laid her arms.

Kronii was sitting on the opposite direction, covering her skin from the last rays of the sun. Kronii had just healed herself, thanks to Mumei who insisted on drinking some of her blood.

Kronii looked down on the ground, waiting for the moon to come out. Mumei knew herself more and remembered some memories. She's thankful for Kronii for being there for her. She watches the sun go down every second, letting Kronii rest for a while.

"You tend to forget things and I'm used to that."

"You're scary, you know."

"I like you, Mumei. Do you?"

"Your smile makes me melt, really."

"W-what?! Stop joking around!"

"You look like an owl. Those golden eyes and those feathers on your hair tie, you pretty much look like an owl. A barn owl. And I like barn owls!"

"I'm the most perfect being in this world so you should only focus on me because I am perfect~!"

"Don't laugh, I'm serious! I can make everyone look at me and admire me,"

"Yeah, I guess you could call me a narcisst,"

"I love you, Mumei," said Kronii.

Mumei woke up from all the things Kronii had said to her before this day. It's like she can remember a time where they were together. Everything is slowly getting clear every day and night for her. Kronii just have to be patient.

Mumei looked at Kronii. Her head was facing the ground. Mumei tilted her head and asked Kronii to repeat what she said. Kronii looked back with a soft smile.

"I said I love you," said Kronii.

Mumei's heart raced. She looked back at the sun to hide her face.

"I know you do," said Mumei with a chuckle.

"Do you?" Asked Kronii.

Mumei lowered her head and looked to her left. Avoiding those sapphire eyes. Kronii frowned by her reaction and looked back to the ground.

"It's been a while, right? Since the last time you said you liked me?" Asked Kronii.

Mumei shoved her face in bewtween her legs, still avoiding her eyes.

"When was it? Two...three months ago?"

"Five," said Mumei in a whisper tone. Loud enough for Kronii to hear.

Kronii smiled.

"Wow, I was the one who forgot," said Kronii then chuckled.

Mumei lifted her head and glued her eyes to the half sun. Birds flew in group and the wind blew. She likes this. She looked below the building and it was a busy city.

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