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"I'm very sorry, Mumei. But I'll have to suppend you until I know full well you're fine. Please don't forget to drink your pills again," said Kiara as she settle Mumei on her bed.

"I'm really fine, I literally just remembered everything from 15 years ago," said Mumei.

Fauna then came in with a clipboard and her friend, Dr. Sana.

"You're back! Morning Sana!" Said Kiara.

Sana greeted back and grinned, showing off her little fangs. Although, she's not a vampire. Fauna gave the clipboard to Kiara to check on Mumei's situation. Everything seems normal and Kiara was happy about it. But she is still worried for Mumei that she might have another whatever happened during the donation for Kronii.

"You know the drills so I'll leave her to you," said Kiara.

She then looked at her wrist clock, then Mumei. She sighed.

"Tough week. I have a meeting with Hakos' surgeons. Mumei is included," she added.

"I can help her with the attendance. After all, we were there," said Fauna.

Sana nodded.

"Is that so? Thanks, Dr. Ceres," said Kiara.

Kiara looked back to Mumei who is looking outside the window. Kiara glanced outside and there we crows flying. Kiara found it weird, for crows are often seen in the dark but she shrugged it off. Mumei then returned a look.

"Yeah, I'll take my leave. Please call your team last week for later meeting," said Kiara.

Fauna nodded and watched Kiara walk out of the room. Fauna turned to Mumei with a smile. Though, Mumei has been questioning herself. What is Fauna? To Kronii, Fauna is a liar. An ex-friend. Fauna is too confusing even for the author. What is Fauna, to Mumei?

Well, when the three were just cute little kids, they were friends. Probably not the way you think they were. Mumei have always sticked to Fauna like they're mother and daugther. Mumei is like a lover to Kronii. Mumei treated the both of them fair and square. But of course, the two would have feelings for her.

Whenever Mumei is at school, Fauna and Kronii would fight on who should Mumei hang out with on that day. It's like a pattern. Say, Mumei hangs out with Kronii on Monday while she hangs out with Fauna on Tuesday.

But Mumei could just hang out with the both of them at the same time on that certain day! The thing is, Fauna lived in a forest. While Kronii and Mumei lived near each other in a small town. Fauna only visits regularly. And that's why the two would fight.

Fauna feels lonely whenever she's alone in the house without her parents. Kronii's brother: Krono, is the one that visits her.

Krono was just wandering around the forest after a hunt, when he saw Fauna's house. Oh, he sensed a human. So he went there and saw a beautiful young lady. Something stopped him for a hunt. It was the sleeping Fauna alone in her room. He admired her so he stayed near her house until dusk.

A few weeks later, when Krono finally showed himself to Fauna when their families had their business. Fauna became friends with the siblings until her family became a Coldblood vampire.

Krono still visited Fauna, but only he knows where Fauna lived before everything else happened.

And now with Mumei. Every time Fauna visited her, she would feel happy and hype that she became friends with a human that became a vampire. She really liked Fauna whenever she's with her or even when she's not. The love of a friend from Mumei is enough for Fauna to think of Mumei more than as a friend. Therefore, there is no reason for Mumei to be lied to by Fauna. In fact, Fauna never lied to Mumei until they were seperated and met each other again. But Mumei forgetting what she did to Fauna.

So what's the answer? What is Fauna to Mumei? Mumei thinks of her as her best friend and nothing else. Fauna knows it too well. It hurts her, for she loves Mumei.

"You're pretty good for now, Mumei. Tomorrow, I'll take a test of your blood to make sure everything is great," said Fauna.

"Why are you a liar to Kronii?" Asked Mumei.

Fauna went silent, remembering every lies she told Kronii.

"Mumei doesn't even like you!"

"She loves me more!"

"I hate you, Kronii..."

And even more lies, just to be with Mumei.

"...It all happened when we were kids. On the day you left, I told her hurtful things. I turned everything you said to her upside-down. I was... a brainless little girl," said Fauna.

"I see..." said Mumei. She turned away and thought about it again. Maybe she can trust Fauna. Even though, she already do.

After a few check ups on Mumei, Fauna left without Sana. She was with Mumei. As Fauna closed the door, she took her phone and dialed someone.

"I need everything to be ready by tomorrow morning before Kronii leaves. Later tonight, I need my ingredients sent to my office, stat," she said.

"Honey, I am not a doctor— I got almost everything you need, don't worry,"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" She replied and ended the call.

She went back inside and said it was almost time for the meeting and they have to get Mumei ready.


Uh, we need drama. I just think we need drama. no, I know we need drama. Even more drama.

Drama supre— ok nyx will shut up

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