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"Dr. Fauna, thank you for coming" said Kiara.

"Of course" says Fauna, then turning her head to Mumei.

"It felt forever for the two of us to work on the same team, right Dr. Mumei?" said Fauna.

Kiara raised her eyebrows.

"Weren't you two on the same team?" asked Kiara.

"Our team leaders are playing again. Dr. Watson chose me for I don't know what reason but, she did tell me to take a good look at her patient while on operation. She must care about her a lot." replied Fauna.

"You mean Gura? Yeah, I guess you could say they are. Amelia would visit her every before her next appointment" said Kiara and chuckles.

Fauna chuckles as well.

"How are you Dr. Mumei?" asked Fauna.

"Good, how about you?" replied Mumei.

"Great as always~" said Fauna.

Fauna offers her hand for Mumei to take. Mumei puts Fauna's hand to her cheek, feeling the warmth of her hand as she close her eyes. They do this every time. It's like they're mother and daughter. Then, Fauna asks about Mumei's condition.

" Like I said earlier, her requirements left during the blood donation then fainted." said Kiara.

"Right." said Fauna.

"Have you gave Kronii a bag of blood?" asked Kiara.

"Yes.." whispered Fauna.


"No, no I haven't. There weren't any available" said Fauna.

Kiara was concerned about her sudden unusual reaction.

"I see," Kiara taps her foot on the ground.

"Kiara, could you give us a moment?" said Mumei.

Kiara looked at Mumei and eventually agreed. She left the room, excusing herself. The door was closed but Kiara stood against it to eavesdrop.

"You didn't do anything to Kronii, did you?" asked Mumei.

Fauna flinched.

"No. Do you perhaps remember me now?" replied Fauna.

"Clearly. You and Kronii would fight over me on who should I hang out with. The day you two almost killed each other because of me. It's scary. I can hang out with the both of you at the same time but you two are just as stubborn. Did you liked me that much, that you would kill someone just to be with you? Fauna? "

"... I just felt jealous. Kronii didn't like me because I lied to her, many times. Because of that, she would always hang out with you. I felt jealous because I didn't have any other friends. I liked you, because you were nice to me unlike other humans. "

" Is that why you didn't kill me when you were supposed to? "

" My family is different than the other vampires who would just kill and hide, like Kronii's. "

" How? "

" My ancestors made a rule for our family to follow. That's what they told me. "

"I see. Do you feel forced?"

"No. I was raised to be on the good side. I still like you."
said Fauna.

Mumei went silent. Turned her head on the TV and watched the news.

"Last night at the most busy city of the country: HoloCity, had a hit and run accident. One witness is interviewed, report by Kiryu." said the reporter.

"I was just buying something from the pastry shop and the second I exited the shop, the woman was hit! I did notice something? Someone? Chasing after her but I didn't do anything about it and called the ambulance right away—"

and so the witness continued to talk.

"Don't you think it's Krono?" ask Fauna.

Mumei didn't respond, but she knew him.

"Here is the footage of the area where the incident happened" said Kiryu.

Then, the news showed a clip of the called "someone" who suddenly ran away and vanished inside one of the streets.

"And now, live at the Holospital, here to interview the victim of the incident. But we were first told to ask their doctors first."

"They're here?" asked Fauna.

She walked against the window and saw vans of the media. Interviewers were outside.

"Doctor Takanashi Kiara, President of the hospital and who took care of the victim. Uhm, the victim is currently suffering from blood loss and still hasn't found a donator. Estimated life time is within... 24 hours, starting now. I am asking for those who have type O- blood, I am kindly asking for donations for this special patient. "

"How is she special?"

"She survived two major injuries. One is having three large claw cuts on her side and some bone fracture on her ribs due to being hit by a car."

Then the news went on. Fauna then hurries to leave the room but was called by Mumei.

"I want to go, too" said Mumei.

"Just stay, I'll be back" replied Fauna and ran to Kronii's room.

Fauna entered the room, and closed the door. Hurriedly fixes the mess with her speed.

"What's up?" asks Kronii.

"The media is outside and will be interviewing you. You don't know?" replied Fauna.

"What? I have to hide then!"

"No need, I got you" Fauna then prepared Kronii's bed and called for emergency.

"What do you mean?!"

"Pretend you're in trouble. Like, well— low blood pressure, troubles with breathing, cardiac arrest or anything that's needed for emergency. Let's hope President Kiara comes in so I can explain"

said Fauna and acted to call for Kiara in emergency. Kiara wasn't sure what happened but she reacted right away, making the media make way and somehow got distracted. Fauna looked at the group of interviewers as if she's trying to give a signal to Kiara that they need to stop recording to which Kiara fortunately understood. She calls for Calli and some other nurses to help.

Fauna ordered Kronii to act like she's suffering for innocent humans which she did. Calli forces the media to stop recoding which took quite some fight.

"Look, this is an emergency, just get that damned cameras off!" yelled Calli.

"Guards!" she calls, scaring the media.


Once the interviewers are gone, Kiara let out a big sigh.

"Thank you Dr. Fauna" said Kiara.

"We really need to give Kronii the blood she needs before her time comes," she added.

Kiara looked at Kronii and noticed her color perfectly back to normal.

"Are you sure you haven't give Kronii any blood, Dr. Fauna?" asked Kiara.

Fauna looked at Kiara, and thinks of an answer but all she could do is shake her head.

"Just tell her the truth, Fauna..." Kronii whispered.

Kiara looked back at her and raised her eyebrow.

"What truth?" she asked.


ok I'll put this story on a break for a week. I'll focus on my new story for now :3


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