Mine and Tea

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Kronii called. "Mumei?!"

Fauna turned to her and her eyebrows narrowed.

"Let her go, Fauna," said Kronii, her voice raising.

Fauna carried Mumei and ran away from Kronii.

"Mumei!" Yelled Kronii.

Kronii chased after them as Mumei try to reach out for Kronii's hand. Kronii caught up with them and they all rolled on the ground, making Mumei's head bleed and unconcious.

Kronii grunted and so did Fauna. They both wanted to check on Mumei but only one can touch her. Blue sapphire eyes hit the golden ones.

Kronji had to trust her instinct. And that is that she's faster than Fauna. She just have to take Fauna away from Mumei. And so she did, leaving Mumei. Her main focus is Fauna.

Fauna was being held agaisnt a big tree. She was trying to free herself but couldn't. Kronii's grip is too hard and Fauna is choking.

"Why do you want Mumei so bad?" Asked Kronii.

"She's mine. She... will be mine..." replied Fauna gasping for air.

"Are you hers, though?" Asked Kronii coldly.

No. Mumei owns no one. No one will own her. No one.

Fauna's nails grew and cut off Kronii's arm so she's finally free. Kronii grunted and yelled. Oh the pain. But of course, her arm grew back. Fauna escaped Kronii, she was on her way to get Mumei back. Kronii is not letting that happen.

(Gore warning?)

She chased after Fauna. And before Fauna could even carry Mumei, she was dragged away and was hit against another tree with a sharp branch that cut through Fauna's inside. Blood sprayed in the air but Fauna was able to get herself out. She weakly stood up, holding on the hole on her body. Kronii landed in front of her and looked in her eyes full of sadness.

Fauna's eyes widen at the sight of Kronii's glance. What is this feeling? It shot through Fauna's heart and felt like it broke into peices. What's in Kronii's mind right now? With Fauna's body fully healed, she took a breath and stood up straight. Kronii's look at her gave her chills down her spine. She doesn't understand. Why does she look like that?

"Fauna..." said Kronii.

Fauna broke into reality from her thoughts. Her eyebrows narrowed and ignored the questions that ran in her mind. She dashed through Kronii but didn't cut her off. Nor laid a cut on the pureblood. Fauna's blood is boiling, her jealousy is the only thing that made her like this. She wants Kronii gone.

(Yandere Fauna?😭)

Kronii called again. She was trying to get Fauna's full attention to listen to her, but Fauna is just not in her right mind. With full anger, wanting to take Mumei away from Kronii, for her "happiness" and "love," she will not allow Kronii to lay a finger on Mumei.


Or so she thought.

Kronii grabbed Fauna's hand as she swifted her other hand to Fauna's waist. Thinking that Fauna might calm down, she breathed and Fauna felt the cold air from her mouth as if they were in the coldest place.

It gave her shivers. And all she could do was stare in Kronii's glowing eyes. Her touch literally just made Fauna's heart race and cheeks heat up. Is Kronii a goddess that she can make anyone's eyes stick to her? Who knows. Even Fauna, no matter how much she hates Kronii at this point, thinks that the person holding her weight is just perfect.

"I've had enough, Fauna..." said Kronii.

Even her serious and cold voice makes Fauna's heart not want to calm down.

Fauna hates that fact. The fact that Mumei likes her for that. No. Loves her for that. The fact that Kronii can make everyone love her by just seeing her.

"Please, stop this..." said Kronii. Her voice fading into a sad tone.

"Stop this childish act," she added.

Fauna suddenly felt her heart broke after hearing Kronii's tone. She hates that, too. She hates everything about Kronii. Just what could make her stop?

No one knows, even herself.

"This time, let Mumei choose between us," said Kronii.

Her eyes suddenly filled with sadness.

Then, Fauna's eyes widen. She had forgotten. She forgot... what? Fauna then took her own weight off Kronii and said,

"I can't..."

Her voice almost sounded like breaking. Kronii could feel the sadness that suddenly built up in Fauna.


Fauna looked down on her feet. Turned her head away, and put her fist on her chest. She could feel her heart beat fast.


Will she tell the truth?


"Fauna...why? Don't you want to know who Mumei will pick? What if it's you?"

"She won't..."

"Just agree with me and let's see for ourselves,"

"She can't!"

Kronii was shocked to hear Fauna yell at her with a broken tone. She had tears on her eyes. For the first time, Kronii saw her about to cry. It was a new feeling. A new feeling she doesn't like.

"She drank the tea..!" Yelled Fauna.

With just that, Kronii felt the world stop. Another flashback hit Kronii. But this one is short. Fauna's family are tea makers. Where they make teas...like a potion. That's the business they had.

Kronii just stood there. Forcing a chuckle.

"Mumei drank the tea... She doesn't remember us now..."

Shocked, Kronii clenched her fist.

"Make another," Kronii demanded.

Fauna lifted her head in shock and looked at Kronii's eyes of madness.


"Make another... and reverse what you did!"


"...that's not easy..."


Yall am having fun here.

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