Oops? -Nyx

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Ok so.... maybe I need more time than a week. But, I had a new idea about KronMei that is posted on Ao3—

Here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40101354

This story is written down on my notes and probably has more sense than this fic. I'm currently working on two on-going fanfic series so... good luck on me T T.

Don't ask if I upload another one-shot. It'll be a sh*tpost.

Patient Vampire will probably come back alive when my family finally move to our new house— which will be in a few weeks or so. Idk, i dont follow schedules for some unknown reason but note it pls. "I Can't Have You Just Yet" takamori fanfic is almost done so I can focus on this fic and my ao3 fic.

Still, look forward for a sudden update of this fic because if I get an idea, I'll write it down as soon as possible :D

My life is a mess.

gomenasai 🙏🥲

Patient VampireWhere stories live. Discover now