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"What do you mean?" Asked Kronii.

Fauna sighed.

"I don't have any left ingredients," said Fauna.

"Then get some!" Kronii demanded.

"It's not easy! The ingredients must be natural. Fresh from nature. And they will bloom next summer," said Fauna.

Kronii gritted. Is Fauna lying so that she won't make the tea and reverse the effect? Or is she telling the truth? Kronii doesn't know. She doesn't have the gut feeling.

"Are you lying?" Asked Kronii without thinking twice.

"It's on you if you want to believe me or not," replied Fauna.

Kronii gritted and doesn't know what to do. But she could only ask:

"Is there anything else to do to reverse it?"

Fauna shook her head. Kronii's eyebrows narrowed. She dragged Fauna back to Mumei, still unconcious. Fauna just stood up while Kronii tries to wake Mumei.

Finally gave up, she turned her head to Fauna and said,

"Could you please! Please, do something!?"

Fauna is even shocked to hear Kronii beg. Purebloods don't do that. Kronii is very in love with Mumei. It hurts Fauna. She hates this feeling so much, but something made her move her muscles.

That something, is hating the voice of Kronii begging.

Fauna pushed Kronii and immidiately checked on Mumei's pulse. She was still breathing. Not having the materials needed, she carried Mumei.

"Where are you taking her?" Kronii furiously asked.

"Back at the hospital..." replied Fauna.

Like she just gave up her love for Mumei.

Kronii followed Fauna. Once in the ER, Kronii was being stopped by some nurses. Fauna told them to let her be but the nurses disagreed. Fauna repeated herself with a cold tone. The nurses let go of Kronii, for that was the first time Fauna had spoke like that.

Fauna called for the materials she needed. The cut wasn't even that big but for Fauna, it's something she can't just ignore and leave on Mumei's beautiful face.

Kronii was just there, watching Fauna. It even questioned her. Did Fauna just became a raging dog to a worried dog? Or a vampire to fit her looks.

Once done, Fauna took her gloves off and took a deep breath. Then, Kronii came.

"Let's just wait for her to wake up," said Fauna.

"...take a seat," she added.

Maybe... Fauna is telling the truth.

Kronii sat down and looked at Mumei. She doesn't like this feeling. She can't lose Mumei. She can't break the promise. Kronii will not forgive herself if she knew she failed to protect Mumei. If she knew that Mumei doesn't remember her.
She held tight on Mumei's hand, cursing to herself.

Fauna can't look at Kronii like this. She has to tell her. Tell her that-

"Mumei might actually not forget anyone."

Kronii lifted her head and looked at Fauna. She is lying! That's what Kronii thought. She stood up with rage and grabbed Fauna's collar.

"Can you stop being a liar? I hate it so much," said Kronii.

Her grip is so tight and Fauna just let her be.

"The tea only had temporary effect and it flows through the blood. With Mumei hitting her head, she probably has fifty-fifty percent chance to either forget or not. It also has some side effects if ever... Mumei doesn't forget anyone,"

Kronii's brows narrowed and let go of Fauna. She sat down again and could only look down on Mumei.

About an hour has passed and Kronii is still waiting for Mumei to wake up while Fauna gets herself a cup of tea. A very normal tea that would calm her down. Kind of.

A few minutes have passed, while Kronii is resting her eyes, she felt Mumei's hand move. She shot her eyes open and looked at Mumei. She was slowly opening her eyes.

It felt great for Kronii to see Mumei's eyes once again after all the worries. She held tight on Mumei's hand and chuckled.

"You're awake," said Kronii.

Mumei looked at her and could only feel scared. She took her hand off Kronii's. The pureblood could only frown and think that Mumei doesn't know her.

"Who are you... and why are you so cold?" Asked Mumei.

She knew it. It broke her heart. Mumei forgot her. Kronii gritted and tears almost dropped against her cheeks. She left Mumei to find Fauna.

She found herself standing in Fauna's office, talking to a tall tanned girl, massaging Fauna's shoulders. The tall girl seem to love doing it with her big grin. After all, Sana loves doing stuff to Fauna.

Fauna took notice of Kronii's appearance and told Sana to leave them for a moment. Before Sana took a step, she gave Fauna a short kiss on the hand. Fauna patted her as she left. Sana was treating her like royalty!

Kronii glanced at Sana as she left the office. She could feel that Sana is in love with Fauna. Kronii then took a step, deeper into Fauna's office.

"Has Mumei woke up that you're here?" Asked Fauna.

She stood up and smelled the scent on her hand, then, smiled.

Kronii can see this with her eyes. Fauna confuses her. A whole lot. Kronii nodded with narrowed eyebrows.

"She's awake knowing nothing," said Kronii coldly.

Fauna walked in front and sat on her desk. Fidgets with her pens.

"Well," Fauna glanced back to Kronii.

"I'm sorry. She's mine now," said Fauna.

"Yeah? When you literally already have whoever was it that just passed me?" Said Kronii with her voice rising.

"We have no special relationship. But if that's what you think, then go. Find yourself a way on how you'll bring her back,"

"Are you really telling the truth? About the ingredients you need that'll bloom next summer?"

"Like I said, it's on you. There are no other ways I can reverse it for you,"

"Then find even more ways to do it not for me," said Kronii.

Fauna raised her eyebrow.

"But for Mumei," she added.


Author-san is at school rn 💀💀💀

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