Sweet As A Berry

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"What blood?" asked Mumei. She was by the door and was about to come in. She walked in and looked at Kronii.

"M-mumei-" Kiara stuttered.

"I was just talking about her blood loss. You know, she might die if she doesn't get blood of her type-" said Kiara as she looked at Kronii as if she was trying to tell her that Kronii is a human.

"Oh yeah, do you know her blood type by now?"

"Yes actually. I also took a test on the sample you gave me and turns out you two have the same blood type. That's why I've called you back."

"Oh? We don't have a stack of our type?"

"Type O- is rare. I'm not sure if we have a stack. I'll take a look." said Kiara as she headed towards the door.

She walked out of the room, leaving Kronii and Mumei together. Kiara sighed heavily as she slid through Mumei with a lie. Mumei looked at Kronii and examined her. She took the medical chart, and when she was about to ask for Kronii's name, she noticed that her name was already written, along with some of her information.

"So you're Kronii?" asked Mumei.

Kronii nodded.

"Sounds familiar..." said Mumei.

Kronii turned her attention to Mumei, looking a little paranoid.

"P-pardon?" said Kronii.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought your name was familiar. I feel like I've heard about it somewhere, I don't think I remember where though. Are you famous?"

"Oh. Oh, me? Famous? No, no. I'm just a normal person from a normal family, that's all-" Kronii sweats.

"I can't imagine you not being famous with such a beautiful face." said Mumei as she shows a sweet smile.

Kronii couldn't help but blush as she looked away.

"I mean, yeah. I do look breathtaking and all, but being famous is not my thing. Why be famous when I already grab the attention of everyone I walk by." said Kronii with a smug smile.

Mumei could only chuckle at Kronii's narcissistic self but she likes it somehow. Mumei then moved next to Kronii to examine the small cuts on her face. As she looks at them, she still wants an answer to her questions. Did Kronii get into an accident or was she in a fight? Mumei continued to ponder to herself more reasons for Kronii to have such wounds but she's not satisfied with any of them unless she knew the truth. Kronii noticed Mumei seemed to be paranoid about her wounds, which made her speak up first.

"I think these little cuts on my face are fine-" said Kronii as she moved Mumei's hand away from her face.

Mumei then snaps from her many thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. They're fine, just need a little dressing for it to heal faster." said Mumei as she stood up and walked to one of her medicine cabinets.

She then opened the cabinet beside Kronii to find an ointment and put some on Kronii's cuts. Kronii wants to say she doesn't need it when she can heal herself but she needs to hide her dark side as a vampire to this human. She doesn't want to scare her or get killed by her.

"So, Kronii, do you remember anything before you got here?"

"The other Doctor asked me the same thing. You can ask her." said Kronii, making her face frown. Not even wanting to think about her family.

"I see." Mumei looked down, feeling saddened by her patient. Kronii felt bad for this human even when she had only just met her.

"I got into a fight and an accident but that's all you're going to get out of me." said Kronii. Not wanting to make eye contact, making Mumei think she's lying.

"Are you telling the truth or are you just trying to make up a story, so you won't have to tell me?" asked Mumei.

"I'm telling the truth."

Kronii couldn't take it when Mumei looked at her. Such innocent eyes made her feel like she was lying, even though she said the truth.

"Make eye contact with me please, then."

Kronii could feel her cheeks heat up for some unknown reason. She shook her head.

'Why do I feel my heart racing? She's just a human doctor...' thought Kronii.

Kronii took a breath and looked Mumei in the eyes. Her heart raced faster as soon as she saw Mumei's golden eyes. Mumei was also amazed by Kronii's glowing sapphire eyes by the moonlight. Mumei then lost her words and so did Kronii, making the room silent. They both got back into their zones as soon as Kiara walked in.

"I got the news, Mumei. The type O- donations haven't yet arrived, and won't be until the next two days. And I even made a reservation for our kind patient. In Kronii's condition, we must give her a lot right now before she sleeps in her coffin." said Kiara, teasing Kronii pure blooded history.

"Oh Kiara, you shouldn't tease patients with jokes like those. Anyways, how about I donate my own blood to Kronii for now, until more arrive?" said Mumei.

"Sure. Sign the donation papers and we can start tomorrow morning. We all must be tired and I'm sure Kronii definitely needs her sleep." Kiara said, looking back and forth between Kronii and Mumei.

"Of course. I'll grab the papers from Calli first."

"Oh, and tell her to wait in my office after." Kiara asked with a sly grin.

"Okay...?" said Mumei as she walked out of the room,waving goodbye to Kiara and Kronii.

Kronii then called out to Kiara when Mumei was well away from them both.

"Hey, you do know that I can't have a human's blood mixed with mine! I'm a vampire; she's a human. Are you stupid?"

"Of course I'm not getting your blood contaminated with hers." said Kiara.

Kiara walked to Kronii and gave her the container.

"Drink it now or I'll let her know what you are." said Kiara.

Kronii grits and finally accepts the blood and drinks it. As Kronii drank the blood, she could feel her strength returning to her body. Despite her mind refusing the taste, her body still enjoyed the taste of it. By the last drop her body still hungered for more as her senses slowly started to work like they should. Kronii's eyes grew darker and her skin became more porcelain and clean.

"I told you, you'll like it~" said Kiara.

"What does it taste like, hm~?" asked Kiara.

"Why do you have to know?" said Kronii.

"Why not~? I wanna know your opinion~"

"It's... sweet. Doesn't taste much like iron like most blood does. It's sweet yet sour, like a red berry." said Kronii.

Kiara chuckled and lifted herself up. She cleared her throat and pointed in the air.

"This is far I can go. Tomorrow morning, we'll get some of Mumei's blood and I want you to drink them so you can leave healthier. Don't worry about the payment, I got you covered." said Kiara and winked as she leave the room.

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