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"As much as I would love to have a cuddle session, we have a job to do

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"As much as I would love to have a cuddle session, we have a job to do."
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"Well, that's one way to meet your family." Will commented, as he got dragged along. Mavis puffed her cheeks like a child and said, "At least you don't have a concussion".

"Mave. Don't be dramatic, you're fine." Five told her, not bothering to face her directly. He's not wrong, amid being able to change her body, into different animals, and specific parts of her body, what also made her great at her job, was the enhanced healing. She wasn't bullet proof, but it only took a few minutes to heal a wound.

"Hey! Don't talk to me like a child five." She yelled, "Then don't act like one, Mavis." He responded. Will just walked silently as the two continued to bicker, Five eventually saying something she couldn't object to, so she just settled for mumbling incoherent words under her breath, the only ones made out were "stupid...like a child...not a child...your..child."

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As they made their way up there was a hallway filled with rooms, looking in them as they walked along, Will could see a room with lots or rock posters, one with a plane hanging on the ceiling, and one with knives on the desk. Aside from the knives, you could almost be fooled to think that normal children were raised here. But just in knowing Five, he knew that wasn't at all true.

"Will." He was called by Mavis, who tilted her head in the direction of Fives room. "Yeah. sorry, coming" he said, his feet shuffling against the wood flora as he made his way over.

Five was looking through his closet, only finding the same of everything, which to his dismay was his old academy uniform. "Ah, shit." He cursed, taking the only chive he had, and placing it on his bed. Speaking of his bed, Mavis was currently lounging on said thing, her arms spread wide, her eyes closed.

Will walked, to sit next to her, watching as five, cursed his wardrobe. While he was distracted, Mavis took this opportunity to pull him onto the bed, laying him down next to her, and laying her head on his chest, squeezing him tightly. "We've only been here for not even an hour, and I'm already beat."

Five looked over at the two, Mavis looking comfortable, while Will had his hand in the girl's hair, running his fingers through softly. He closed his eyes, and let out a breath through his nose, allowing the warmth radiating her body to engulf him. 

Five, sighed, and took another uniform out of the closet, and threw it lightly onto the two. Will let out a surprised yelp, detaching from Mavis to lift the clothes off them, moving to sit up. He looked at the boy questionably, and the Lavender-haired girl, just huffed, in annoyance and rolled to be facing the ceiling once more.

"As much as I would love to have a cuddle session, we have a job to do." Five told the two, but more directly being said to Mavis. Will stood up, grabbing Mavis's hand and dragging her up. She whined, as he did this begrudgingly complying. "Well while the two of you get to wear those adorable little school boy shorts, what do I wear?" She asked the two.

While the boys were wearing baggy old-timey suits while she was wearing a plaid light pink dress that had a black belt strapped on the stomach. Thankfully, due to her "profession" she wore what constitutes a sports bra in the 1960's. "You can borrow something from one of my sister's rooms, Allison had an 'okay' taste to fit yours." Five, told her to gesture to the hall.

In response, the tan-skinned girl tilted her head, and smirked, leaning on the door frame, "And miss the show?" Five just gave her a look, to which she rolled her eyes at, before exiting the room. To her surprise, entering the room and rummaging through the closet, that girl hadn't been entirely disappointed. Fortunately for her, it seems as though Five's sister and her, we're both early bloomers, and she could find clothes that fit her rather big, 'personality'.

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Meanwhile, with the boys, Five was currently in the middle of attempting to tie his tie. Failing it seems. "Thirty-eight years old and you still suck at it" Will said seeing the boys struggle, and he reached over and grabbed the cloth before pulling Five to him so that, ther noses were almost touching.

Five looked away in embarrassment, at his statement, and began suddenly finding the lamp in the comer very interesting. Finishing his work, Will swiftly yet not roughly, pulled the tie to tighten it, and smiled proudly. Five looked back up at him to find that his hair was clouding one of his eyes, on instinct he reached a hand out to push the hair back.

Will, blushed at the action, his face slightly flushed as he grabbed Five's hand, before he could return it to his side, and raised it to his lips, laying a gentle kiss upon his knuckle's.

Five smiled in return, leaning his head forward to lay on his. Will closed his eyes, and let out a silent sigh of happiness. Still holdin onto his hand, Will leaned back disconnecting their heads. Where his smile once laid, a frown now stood. "We have to keep an eye on her. The both of us." He said seriously.

Five sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, before nodding in agreement, "She may be fine now, but we still don't know what will happen when she is without it for too long." Will nodded, and looked away though, before turning back to his partner, "We have to keep a lookout for signs of withdrawal. This may be the only chance to get her off."

"Yeah" Five replied. Will looked over at him, before lowering his lead to the ground, "She might hate us." He looked back at five, who looked back at him as well, hating the thought of such an outcome "yeah" he replied.

The energy in the room suddenly became stiff, and they both thought of the challenges they are going to have to go through in these seven days. They knew they had to do it for Mavis's sake, but the possible outcomes had put them off. But they've never waiver in doing what it took for her, and they weren't planning on stopping now.

"How's it going in here?" Mavis's voice suddenly rang through the room as she poked her head through the opening, a large grin on her face.

"Oh hey, you actually tied a tie for once!" Five, looked away, grumpily at the second time, today that his ability to tie a tie had been questioned. The very presence of the girl, adding a more playful atmosphere to the once, gloomy room. "Anyway!" The girl giddily exclaimed, as she fully revealed herself to the two, showing off her new outfit. It was a simple fitting, of a black long sleeved crop top, that left her stomach exposed, showing off her brown skin. long green camo, cargo pants, and black combat boots.

"I forgot how much I loved this era's fashion". She gave a little twirl, and stopped to look at the two, "sooo?" She asked. "Better than this" five pointed to his, and Will's outfits. The blond looked down at the outfit, then at the boy, and shrugged, "I kinda like it. Nice and breezy." Mavis giggles playfully, "Yeah, besides you both look so cute!"


"Make me."


After that all that could be heard was a quieted, shriek, and a loud thump, among Will sighing.

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