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"Get your Ape hands off of me!"- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

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"Get your Ape hands off of me!"
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Mavis had always been alone. Sure, she had a mother, but honestly once you meet that woman, you'd understand why she never included her on that list. All she can remember, growing up was one thing— a feeling.

It was the slow-agonizing kind. A pain, that could only be felt when she was reminded that the way she was brought up, and treated wasn't how most were. The sinking feeling, that made her nauseous, and forced tears to flood her eyes. But she couldn't say what that feeling was. She couldn't, because she didn't know.

She didn't grow up around those who express their feelings, or at least talked about them. So on the days, where she felt like there was a ball, and chain attached to her arms and legs, trying to contain her to the almost empty, and sorrowful room, she would close her eyes and imagine a world where, she had a loving mother, a loving husband, friends who encouraged her to embrace everything she is, and wanted to be. She imagined something better.

When she got the chance to experience love for the first time it only ended in pain. Leaving her to fear ever letting anyone in.

So she knew that once she opens her eyes, she would be back in that room.


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Mavis left after hearing that not one person had any idea where Klaus was. It infuriated her to no end how insensitive this family was when it came to anybody but their selves. After their encounter in the bathroom, Mavis couldn't help but feel a connection to the man.

Back at Diego's place, the two youngest of the group had awakened and were in the middle of telling Luther all about the apocalypse. "So when is this supposed to happen exactly?" Luther asks the two. "Well, we can't give you the exact hour, but... From what we could gather about four days left" five responds. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Luther asks, to which Will responds gravely, "Would it have mattered?"

Luther cut in, "- of course, it would. We could have banded together and helped you try to stop this thing." He explained even though from what Will had seen of the family, they didn't seem to have cared if anything happened to either of them. A prime example would be Klaus. It's sad how someone who just met the man was quick to look for him in place of his siblings.

"For the record, you already tried." Five told Luther, remembering the first thing he saw once he was transported to the future, was the corpses of his family. Luther looked taken aback at this information, "what do you mean?"

Reluctantly, five glances up at Luther, "I found all of you. Your bodies." Luther takes a minute to say anything until he finally speaks up, "We die?" To which five respond quietly, "horribly."

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