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 "Jesus, your real sick bastards

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"Jesus, your real sick bastards."
"Thank you."
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"You feelin' better champ?" Klaus' voice rang through Mavis's ears as she coughed up whatever was left from her episode, and digested what just happened. It rang so loudly, like a slow ringing in her head, causing her to wince before swinging her head back and forth swiftly, almost as if it would drown out the noise.

"Okay first, not a kid. Second, don't call me champ. And third, no. No, I'm not okay." She failed at stopping the ever growing noise and chose, to just ignore it.

"...Wanna talk about it?" He asked, still sitting on the ground, now with his legs splayed out just as Mavis's were. In response she laughed humorlessly on the verge of tears at her sorry state,  "why? I mean- why as in why do you care? You just met me."

Klaus looked at her not knowing exactly how to comfort people without sleeping with them, or using drugs, which was obviously off the table so he used the only thing he could. "Listen, I meet A LOT of strangers, and have done worse things than just talk okay, like this one time I-"

"Hey! Back to me alright. My time. " Mavis cut him off, just in time to stop his terrible but laughable attempt to make her talk. It was the effort that counted. "Talk away Cupcake." she shot him an almost glare, "... that one I will allow. Anyway, you know what that was right?" she asked him, referring to her heaving.

"What? Oh! You mean you, spewing your guts out? Then yeah. been there and done that." he laughed genuinely, with a remaisent look. Mavis stared at him wide eyed at his nonchalant-ness at that. Considering all she felt as shame.

"Heh. Guess we both have some things in common huh? Not good things but hey, it's a start" she told him, laughing slightly. " yeah! Hey maybe, we'll grow to be besties or some shit!" he bumped her shoulder enthusiastically. " yeah.." she trailed off as sobs began to rack her body, and the ringing in her ears became unbearable.

Klaus' eyes widened at the rudeness of her emotions. "Hey..." Klaus moved, wrapping his arms around the crying girl, who flinched but didn't pull away, and eventually accepted the embrace.

"I tried. you know, I really tried Klaus. But I don't know how to play a different game. And i mean, I really fucking love them. The way Will doesn't look at me or Five like we're monsters. The way Five understands what it feels like to be alone, and makes sure that neither of us feels that way again. They're perfect. In every way. But me? I'm crying to a complete stranger after telling him my life's story. No, I'm not like that. I'm too broken. too hollow. I don't deserve them. But im too fucking selfish to let them go. yet I still continue to lie."

"... Well, I guess we don't have as many things in common". Is all he said, looking away before back at her. " What do you mean?" she asked, to which he looked her directly in the eyes, "The moment you fell and were the only one that didn't wake up, I saw how worried both five and Will were. I saw how gentle William was when he was carrying you to the couch. The look of relief on both their faces when you woke up. " Mavis began tearing more, before the tears settled on her cheeks.

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