Chapter 13

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Jennie wakes up with a smile on her face but then quickly it disappears under a worried face. She opens her eyes and checks the other side of the bed before relaxing again.

Lisa is here, she didn't leave, just as she promised.

It's not that she didn't believe her when she promised she wouldn't leave without waking her up, it is just that Jennie is afraid. She is still afraid because her last thoughts were, 'What if I wake up and it is just a dream? What if I wake up and she is not here? What if?'

Lisa is sleeping on her side, her back facing Jennie and the sheets are barely covering her legs. Jennie moves closer, she can't fight the urge to touch Lisa's skin to feel that she is real. To realize she is not just daydreaming.

It feels like a dream, she is here laying next to Lisa. Kissing and tracing invisible patterns on her back. She is breathing the same air Lisa is.

She wants more, she wants to pull Lisa in her arms or spoon her but refrains. She can't be selfish, Lisa needs to rest, she had a long flight and an emotionally draining day all at once.

So instead of troubling Lisa's sleep, Jennie gets out of bed as smoothly as possible and grabs her phone then comes back to bed. She wants to memorize this moment, she wants to capture this peaceful moment as long as it is lasting.

She doesn't know what is waiting for them. Will Lisa regret her decision? Will she ask her to leave like she did yesterday just because she feels guilty about Kai? She doesn't know and she doesn't want to know.

After taking a picture of Lisa, Jennie puts her phone back and scoots closer to her, close enough to breathe her in, close enough to hear her breathing and close enough for her brain to realize that Lisa is real. She rolls her eyes at how needy and clingy she is being.

Despite her decision to let Lisa have some sleep, she wants her to wake up. So to not submit to her clingy teenage self, Jennie closes her eyes again and tries to have some sleep now that she appeased her worries but she can't.

She can't doze off while her brain is working nonstop, collecting memories from the past and creating new ones. All of which involve her and Lisa together. Daydreams she never had with Kai, reveries that never crossed her mind, and details she never thought of having with Kai or anyone else.

Jennie feels her heart swell in her chest but then realizes that they are only thoughts. Her Lisa is very real and sleeping next to her. She realizes that she needs to go back to reality and work on her daydreams harder this time.

She flips on her side and loses herself in Lisa, asleep or not she is her girlfriend she is her soulmate, her love, and she is entitled to wake her up with kisses and caresses if she wants too.

Lisa wakes up to Jennie's lips on her skin but she doesn't dare to interrupt. She is loving the new sensations, she has never been woken up with so much tenderness, nor has she ever felt so happy after a sleepless night.

But a few minutes later, she couldn't keep still any longer. Her body was asking for more and her heart was yearning to experience a morning Jennie.

"Morning," She lets out turning to face Jennie with her eyes still closed.

"Sorry, I woke you up." Jennie blushes, not really sorry about waking her up. Lisa smiles in lieu of a response.

Jennie feels the need to explain, "I missed you...I think we should enjoy our time together before you leave." Her voice is husky and soft at the same time and Lisa loves it.

Lisa opens her eyes saying, "We shouldn't-" but then the words died in her throat, she zones out at the sight of feline brown eyes and spontaneously smiles.

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