Chapter 26

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Present time; Summer 2023;
Seoul; Kai's household;

Jennie smiles at Lisa who has been looking at her for the last fifteen minutes or so, she is not sure how long she has been staring because she is trying to be a polite guest and listen to what their hosts are chitchatting with her. Well, at least she is trying but Lisa's curious looks make her wonder what's on her mind.

She doesn't know what is troubling her wife but she thinks it might have to do with the fact that they barely saw each other lately– Lisa misses her.

The last few days has been crazy for the Kim-Manoban household. Jennie was working nightshifts at the hospital and Lisa was trying to finalize the opening of her French subsidiary company while taking care of Lily.

In fact, she does miss her but it is not the reason why she has been staring at her. Jennie is softly rocking Kai's son in her arms and Lisa feels like wherever she looks, there is a baby or a toddler looking back at her, smiling at her, or even stumbling into her.

She tried to ignore them to not get any ideas knowing that her wife is too taken by her crazy schedule at the hospital to think about having another baby, but Jennie is making it hard for her with Kai's new born in her arms.

Lisa finds it endearing, she can't help reminiscing over the old days when Jennie was pregnant.

October 2019; France;
Kim-Manoban household;

Lisa rushed to her bedroom stupidly hoping that Jennie was not asleep despite the late hour. She missed her wife so much and she wanted to touch and feel what she had missed. She never hated her work like she does now and she never regretted her decisions like this time around.

She pushes the door softly to not wake up her wife in case she was asleep even if deep down she wants to wake her up so she can touch and see her baby bump, the pictures, and video calls did not ease her. On the contrary, they only made her feel excluded, deprived, lonely and even a little bit jealous as she asked Jennie to not tell anyone not even her mother. She wanted to be the first one after Jennie to feel and see their baby.

Lisa undresses and puts her pajamas as quietly as possible then sets her alarm clock at six even if it means she will only have three hours of sleep. She might be patient enough to let Jennie sleep now but she is not that patient to wait until later in the morning.

Fortunately for her right after she climbed into their bed, Jennie moved closer cuddling into her. She froze not knowing if Jennie is fully awake or if she just felt her presence and cuddled her like she always does in her sleep.

"I missed you," Jennie whispers and Lisa feels her heart swelling into her chest.

"You're awake," She breathes out happily, almost in relief and Jennie hums half asleep but before she can say or do anything, she felt Lisa moving under the sheets down to her belly.

Lisa puts her hand softly on Jennie's belly and caresses it up and down enjoying the swell of the now-visible baby bump. Jennie smiles sleepily gently stroking her wife's hair in return letting her have her moment. Despite she has been feeling her body change the last few weeks, she stood each morning – half naked – in front of her mirror caressing her baby bump in disbelief.

She knows how Lisa feels about the pregnancy. Unlike her who got to feel its symptoms and live the experience fully, Lisa didn't so she has been very impatient to see a baby bump and feel it moving to realize that indeed a baby her baby is growing inside Jennie.

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