Seb to the rescue

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Lando: sebbbbbbb

Seb: what? What have you done

Lando: so uh... we might have done a thing 👉👈

Daniel: oh god... last time you said that something was on fire



Seb: What have you done. And who's with you 😀

Charles: we, MIGHT, have uh, lost George and Alex

Lando: well, by lost you mean accidentally locked them in a room-

Lewis: Hey, I need George as my teammate!

Alex: And we want out of this room

Seb: oh god... send me the location

Charles: done over dm

Seb: Why are you in an abandoned haunted house?!

George: Discuss later, save us now!

Carlos: I told you not to go 🤨

Lando: now I think you might have had a point

Carlos: think? What did I say to Charles and you when you suggested this?

Lando: 👉👈

Charles: You told us not to do it because it would go wrong and we would call seb because we didn't know who else...

Seb: I'm the first one you would call when you get in trouble?

Charles: uh- YES your mature and practically the grid mum

Seb: grid mum?

Fernando: 😂

Daniel: well, Charles is right

Lewis: I don't get it?

Lando: Well, seb is like a parent to all the 'kids' on the grid!

Charles: He looked after me when I was sick!

Alex: he helped me when I dropped my folder with all my car info in it

George: he taught me how to check if I have damage easiest

Lando: he helped me when I got lost

Seb: Lando you were crying

Lando: yes, and we pretend that didn't happen

Max: he made me dinner when I first got to the grid and was lonely

Lewis: I understand now- it's because seb is literally like a mother

Seb: I'm not!

Max: you are seb- just accept it

George: Yes, accept it, like me and Alex have accepted our fate of dying in this room alone!

Yuki: Well, you're not alone, I'm sure Charles and Lando are outside right?

Lando: yes, but it's kinda creepy so can you come a little faster seb

Pierre: oh please tell me you weren't in there to make a video for your twitch and YouTube

Alex: ...

Charles: oh you know us so well 😒

Pierre: oh mon dieu sauve moi 🫡

Seb: I'm here now!

Lando: yay seb!

Charles: yay seb!


George: I'm kinda hungry ngl

Max: you should let me come with you guys sometime

Lando: oh hell yes-

Daniel: max no

Max: max yes

Fernando: max no

Max: Max maybe?

Lewis: max no

Max: max no :(

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