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[Continued in Christians POV]

As we walked up another set of stairs, Mattia started laughing at me. Yuki and Pierre were in alpha tauri, and Pierre used to be one of my drivers.

"Shut up mate, your drivers are the same", I said, a bit annoyed, but also slightly amused.
Toto also started laughing at me then.

The top floor was also filled with bedrooms, one of which was Fernando Alonso's.
His door was slightly open, so Mattia lightly pushed it open.
He wasn't in the room, which was lucky for us.

The room was simplistic, a double bed with a dark duvet stood in the middle of the room, some bean bags were stacked on a fluffy rug in the corner next to a desk. A computer was placed on a different desk on the other side of the room, and an F1 steering wheel was set up as well as an Xbox controller.
Shelves were placed around the walls of the room, filled with notebooks in different colours.

Toto walked into the room, and pulled a notebook off a shelf. It was orange, and had a McLaren logo sellotaped to the front. Each notebook was notes and thoughts from every race, each notebook was the colour of the team he was racing for at the time, and had a logo and a year written on the front.
It wasn't detailed, it was a personal account of the race.

We came out of Fernando's room, and walked around the hallway a bit more.
Mick, Lance and Esteban waked up the stairs, quietly arguing about who won the game of UNO they were playing downstairs.
They went into Lance's room, and shut the door.

We heard the doorbell ring downstairs, and we all started walking quite fast down the stairs to see who had arrived.
It was Zak Brown and Gunther Steiner. We all formally greeted each other, and started walking towards the living room of this massive house.

We sat down in the living room, and some other drivers had joined in the game of mario cart in the corner. We joked about a bit, and started talking about what we had seen in the house.
Gunther was surprised, just as surprised as we were. However, Zak wasn't at all surprised.

"Zak, your thoughts on Lando and Carlos?" I asked him. 

"It's cool, I already knew about it." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You knew?!" Mattia shouted at him.

"Yea, I walked in on them at one point" Zak spoke calmly and chucked a bit.

"This is a story I want to hear about." I said.

"Well, it was after Brazil 2019, Carlos had a third place finish, and I went to congratulate him in his drivers room. I didn't knock, and just opened the door, and they were making out. I always knock now." Zak told us the story, and we all started laughing.

Sebastian called that dinner was ready, and we started getting up. Kimi Raikkonen walked up two steps of the stairs, and shouted, "KIDS, DINNERS READY!"

Pierre, Yuki, Lance, Mick, Esteban and Charles all ran down the stairs behind each other, and ran into the kitchen. Then Max came down, hugged Kimi, and said "thanks dad!", before also running into the kitchen.

We all sat down, and everyone was quiet.

The table was arranged with everyone sitting with their teammate, and the bosses of teams at one end, and Kimi was also sitting next to us. He still had his 'iceman' attitude, but when he was with the younger drivers he seemed happier.

"So, the annual driver boss dinner meeting can begin." Sebastian announced to the table, and we all sat down.

The food was good, but the tension in the air was thick. You could cut the air with a knife, and it was awkward.

The 'couples' of the grid kept glancing over at each other, and it brought my attention to the glancing around the room.

Has this always happened? Looking at their partner? The drivers do it subtly, I wouldn't notice if I hadn't seen the 'couples' doing what they would normally do at home. How long has this been going on? Has everyone been dating and been afraid to tell the teams, the media? How many know about all this? The whole grid lives in one house, and are obviously all quite close.
Now that I think of all of these questions, I'm realising all the things they do, how close everyone is, and the media just don't pick up on it.
Lando and Carlos, they were and are super close, but everyone assumes they're just close friends.
Charles and Max always talk when they are on the podium together, and when next to each other in media. No one thinks more of it.

I spoke up, "How long has this been going on?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me shocked, but I thought it was a real question.

"Do you mean being gay, being in relationships or living together? You need to be a bit more specific." Lando said quietly.

Zak started laughing, and so did everyone else.

"I'll say all of it." I replied
"Well, we didn't know about any of this before, so it would be good to know about you guys' lives a bit more now." Mattia added.

We normally try to stay out of the drivers lives, it's good to not know, but to be honest, it's a bit weirder than it normally was.
Before, the drivers weren't in relationships with each other, and didn't live together, so it's a bit different.

Seb spoke up over the laughter of the table, "We should go around the table like a Q&A" he laughed himself.

Lando was at one end of the table, and started talking about his experiences with sexuality while being in F1, and along the way, everyone just joined in. A massive group discussion about toxic masculinity in sport.

Let's just say us bosses know about the toxic-ness of the sport, but never had an actual experience with it.

Lando told the table about getting told off by media teams for wearing nail polish and being too 'Cutesy', and not overly masculine in interviews. Followed by reasons he enjoys Twitch streaming because media can't tell him off for it. 
Max told a story about his father, getting mad and talking about not being manly enough.

It made me realise, how toxic it is.

We finished eating dinner, had a lovely dessert and had more happy conversations.

All us bosses decided it was time to leave, and we all got ready to leave the house, and we made our way to the front door.

Before we could leave out the front door, I looked back to see Pierre with Yuki on his back, holding a plastic Sword, trying to hit Lando with it.

I sighed happily and shut the front door behind me, and decided to leave this experience behind me.

Sorry this chapter doesn't have much in it, and took so long to come out.
I'm going to stick to texting chapters for a while, or until I get motivation.
Thanks to my friends:

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