F1 HOUSE CHP. 6, '5:20AM'

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Lando has just won the race,
Lando Norris just won a fucking race.

Lights, cameras, reporters; it's all a blur, my memories swimming together, pooling in my brain, spilling out of my eyes. Tears roll down my cheeks, I can't wipe them away, which doesn't bother me because they are happy tears. My sleeve is wet with my emotion, with champagne as well. I deserve to cry, I deserve to win. Starting on the grid in 2019, I've worked so hard with so many people, ive pushed as hard as I could and sometimes I've gone too far, but I stayed here, I stayed a contender, stayed consistent.

I deserve this win.

I'm sitting in the car, I'm crossing the finish line, screaming with emotion as the sun hits my visor, my team screaming along on the pit wall.
Then I'm standing on the podium, I'm not third, I'm not even second, I'm god damn first. Im stood on a pedestal, higher than everyone else, showered in champagne holding a trophy to commemorate my accomplishments, my smile just as bright as the trophy in the sunlight.
But then I'm in an interview, sat, grounded.
I'm questioned?

"Uh do you feel Lando also could have won the race without a free pitstop?"
My head drops a bit, tears continue to glint in my eyes, not so happy this time. I can't believe someone would do this to me. I'm trying to have a good time, bask in my win like it's the sun, ive been kept in the shade too long and this is my chance, and this random man decides to try to push me back?
Charles on my left, he looks over at me, raises his eyebrows, a small ask if I'm okay in this secret body language we all have to adopt to understand each other in interviews. I don't respond to him, I start to answer the interviewers questions, my head towards the floor more than to the cameras that suddenly feel a lot bigger than they did before. 

Charles shoots a glance over at his 'secret boyfriend', Max. I can't tell what the glance said, but obviously those two knew, because Max started to answer with a lot more humour in his voice than before, but I still couldn't breath. My voice hitched in my throat a couple of times before I found an odd comfort in talking about my teammate, Oscar. Before I knew it my dumbass friends had saved me.
"It's always if if if right? If my mum had balls she would be my dad so.. Yeah?" Max jokes quite directly at the crew.

I giggle, I take a moment to wipe away the tears that no longer need to be there, I see Charles out of the corner of my eye, he's looking at Max. Mr Obvious over here was looking relieved at max, he wasn't laughing, not even a chuckle. He was purely staring at Max.
I had to stifle my laugh with my wrist, almost gasping out a quick 'yea' in response to Max's comment on the question. 
Childishly Max put down his microphone, ready to be done with this question- with this interview as a whole.

God, I love these people so much. 


No light filters through the window, not yet at least. The usually chaotic house is quiet for a change, there's no shouting in the corridors, no laughter heard from the bedrooms. The smell of food isn't present in the air, and no water seems to be running. Everything is quiet and calm.  

One person is awake though.

Lando POV:

I wake up, disappointed that I've woken up. My alarm clock shows me '05:21' in big red flashing numbers. I rub my eyes with my hands, pulling the sleep from my mind.

Too early. I'm always up early. I've got too much on my mind, too much has gone on recently. My race win- that's a good thing, but that race has brought me more bad than good at the moment.

I might be held as the 'baby' of the grid, and I know I act it sometimes, but I'm actually very mature. I'm waking up at 05:21 so I can walk next door to pick up my precious little baby. Well I like to say she's my baby, she'll always be my baby, but she's a toddler. My toddler is a lot like me though, and she still loves her milk. So now it's half past five in the morning, and I'm walking into Teagan's bedroom so I can bring her downstairs for milk before she wakes up and starts crying and wakes everyone up. And I'm definitely not avoiding Carlos.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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