Japan 2023

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Lando: I should be happy but I've decided I'm not

Max: I get that

Oscar: I'm happy

Seb: well done Oscar

Kimi: you did very good Oscar 👍

Carlos: yes Oscar your rookie season is amazing

Logan: I feel like I've been cursed as an American

Nyck: not as badly as me

Daniel: sorry Nyck

Nyck: don't worry about it Daniel

Logan: okay you might be right about that



George: 😁🫵💀

Logan: Alex I promise I know what a kilometre is

George: that's more like it

Alex: I like feeling protected

Charles: okay now it's just getting kinky

George: I retract my statement

Alex: no longer protected 💔

Logan: Can I tell Alex to shut up again?

Lando: yes

Carlos: no

Lando: stupid race winner

Carlos: you don't mean that, you need a nap

Oscar: can confirm, lando needs a nap

Lando: I don't need a nap

Carlos: Oscar make lando have a nap

Oscar: on it 🫡

Charles: that wasn't creepy at all

Max: winning races is becoming boring

Charles: maybe you should stop then 🥰

Max: Charlie you need to eat

Charles: no I don't

Max: your hangry
(Mixture of hungry and angry)

Charles: no

Carlos: he is

Charles: maxie darling I'm fine

Max: Charlie eat your packed lunch from Seb

Charles: okay fine 😒

Max: thank you love <3

Oscar: Lando is sleeping 👍

Fernando: kids have gone soft these days

Seb: I think you would have been a better person if you had more naps

Fernando: wow didn't expect that from you

Kimi: I had lots of naps

Seb: it doesn't count if you were still drunk when you woke up

Fernando: wow

Kimi: I felt quite refreshed thank you

Max: Seb I think YOU need to have a snack and a nap

Seb: too busy with my bees

Lewis: Seb you need to stop with the bees for a couple hours

Seb: I am an activist now Lewis, I can never stop

Kimi: #ClimateChange

Seb: exactly

Lewis: you can't stop that on your own Seb

Seb: maybe if I try hard enough I can

Lewis: y'know what, we should all have goals in life

Seb: thank you Lewis

Yuki: I wanna become a singular particle floating in space

Oscar: I mean you technically already are

Pierre: sometimes I don't like my insignificance being pointed out 💔

Yuki: sorry not sorry 🤩

I am aware this is criminally short, however I'm trying to get through the season without leaving a massive gap so you get some fast but short chapter 😭

I promise the chapters will get longer and I'll sprinkle some House chapters into here too 🤩🙏

Anything you guys wanna see in the next house chapter??


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