Coachella (requested)

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"You did such a great job! I'm so proud of you," You said as NingNing held onto you tightly, the brightest and most contented smile on her face as you stood in the crowd together.

The girls just finished their performance at Coachella moments ago.

It was an incredible performance and not only did the crowd seem to love every second of it, but they also had the time of their lives during the performance, too.

Of course, you're proud of all of the girls.

It's a huge accomplishment and an opportunity they deserved to have.

They should feel so proud of themselves.

But you're, of course, proudest of your girl for obvious reasons.

"It feels so surreal. I honestly can't believe that happened." She chuckled as she pulled away a little, her fingers brushing across your back.

"I know but it did happen, my love. Deservedly so." You said as you kissed her cheek, the sparkle in your eyes noticeable. "Come on. Let's curl up and watch the rest of the show together."

You already had a blanket laid on the grass in the front row, since that's where you sat while the girls performed.

She sat down first and then had you sit between her legs, her chest against your back.

She put her arms around you and put her chin on your shoulder as you both basked in the happiness you felt.

"It's all so amazing." She said as she breathed out a contented sigh. "I can't believe how much the four of us have accomplished. It's crazy to look back and see how far we've come. I never thought we'd be here but we are and I'm so thankful and so happy."

You stared up at her, listening to her every word.

"I'm so lucky. Getting to live out my dreams with my three best friends is incredible and to have my amazing, beautiful girl here by my side every step of the way makes it all even better." She smiled as she began to play with your hair.

"And it's only the beginning, NingNing. I know there are even bigger things in store for you all. I'll be here to cheer you on through every second of it." You promised her as she brushed her thumb across your cheek, leaning down to give you a sweet kiss.

You could feel a few eyes on you since people around had watched your girl and best friends shine only a few minutes ago, people now recognizing her clearly.

You knew there were people around, probably taking photos to capture the sweet moments you don't often share in such public places.

"We go back home soon." She said. "I'll miss this place. Maybe we can come back to California soon for a vacation - just us."

"I love the sound of that." You said and she kissed your lips once more.

You put your head back on her shoulder, watching as different artists performed right in front of your eyes.

The girls soon came to sit around you and NingNing but they didn't interrupt your sweet personal moments, so happy to see how happy you both were.

You took NingNing's hands off of your sides and intertwined your fingers instead as you curled up as close as possible to her, swearing that you've never been more content.

The lights were bright, and the cheers from excited fans around you for different artists performing were loud, but not enough to bother you or ruin the content feeling you felt.

"I love you so much, baby girl. Here's to many, many more nights like these together. Not only is my future with the group bright, but so is ours together." She spoke in your ear and your heart fluttered.

With how in love you two are, you know she's right. You know you've got many more nights like these ahead; nights where you'd cuddle and feel as happy as you do now during times like these.

"I love you too." You whispered back to her, tilting your head so you could share some more loving kisses, not even caring about anyone around you watching every kiss that you shared, too in love with your girl to stop.

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