Prologue:Howl's Isle

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In a kingdom by the name of Howls Isle lived a society of anthropomorphised wolves.
They had their own way of living.
Like many other wolf kingdoms they strived in the art of violence.
They were ruled by those who descended from the strongest ancestors known to wolf kind.
Each wolf had their own power that involved strength.
There was one power that was feared among all of the brutal wolf kingdoms;The thing they most feared was the power to shield.
The reason they feared such a power was because they didn't want their own powers to be used against them.
The weaker wolves were often demeaned even if they were royalty.Sometimes they would even banish their own kind with a ring that worked as a portal to another place in the entire universe.
The wolf kingdoms found violence as a source of entertainment and social stature.They built entire arenas dedicated to fighting with many different alternatives to the fighting stage.
Marriage depended on whoever matched your level of strength even if it was from another kingdom.When wolves are married they are bound for life and are promised to never fight each other.
Some married couples became their own fighting duo and were often impossible to beat. They were allowed to be wed at any age but they weren't allowed to have children until they came of proper age.
If royalty is married then the wolf and their spouse will become the king and queen if the relationship is approved of by the parents of the proud wolf couple.

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