Chapter eleven:Egg fight

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Sonic,Knuckles,and Nadia entered the plane.
Sonic and Knuckles stood on the front wings and Nadia sat in the co-pilot area. They flew back to Green hills and saw Robotnik inside a giant robot of his own creation.
"We have to get in there."Tails said
"I got an idea,Knuckles you-"
Knuckles jumped off the plane before Sonic could finish his sentence.
"That works too."
"We need to fly closer to it and try to get inside."
"We can try attacking it!"Exclaimed Tails
They tried to fly the plane closer but Robotnik shot several missiles towards the plane.
"EVERYBODY HANG ON!"Tails yelled
They narrowly dodged the missiles and all three of them sighed in relief.
"That wasn't so ba-"Sonic got hit by a rougue missile and fell of the plane.
"SONIC!"Tails and Nadia shouted 
"I'm okay."
They flew closer to the robot and Nadia jumped off and hut the robot in the head with her shield.
"Hey,You better have insurance."Robotnik said
Robotnik kicked Nadia away from him. She went to the end of the street before Knuckles helped her up.
Tails was flying the tornado around the giant robots face.
The plane was crushed by the mustache of the robot.
Tails flew out of the plane before it crashed to the ground.
The four of them met near a destroyed part of a random street.
"We've barely made a scratch."Tails said
"What if we all attack him,maybe if we work together we can defeat him."Sonic said
They helped Sonic distract the robot. Afterwards they managed to climb on the robot and get in side.
Two of them tried to fight him but they inevitably fell out.
Knuckles was still there and he punched the emerald out of Robotnik.
At this point Sonic exhausted himself from running and falling hard off a bridge.
He kept limping towards the emerald while the robot was trying to stand up.
Sonic managed to grab a hold of the emerald even though he was beaten and exhausted.
Suddenly Tom and Maddie swooped in to rescue him on a 'borrowed' vehicle. "We got you Sonic it's okay."Tom said
Robotnik was still in the robot and trying to chase them down.
Robotnik shot at the car which caused it to flip over.
The took cover on the other side of the car.
"C'mon C'mon!How do I get this thing to work?"
Just as Sonic said that the emerald lost its color and started to shatter and split into seven smaller gems.
"No no no no no no no..."
"I can't do this,I can't..."Sonic said
"You don't have to do this on your own Sonic."Maddie said
"I love you guys..."Sonic said
Suddenly the emeralds went into Sonic which basically turned him into a super hedgehog with golden quills.
Super Sonic beat up the robot and cut off the head with his newly formed powers.
"Listen Sonic,I can explain everything..."Robotnik pleaded
Sonic glared and kicked down the robot with one small tap.
Eggman grabbed a small bag and deployed a parachute.
After the fight was over Sonic released the chaos emeralds from himself and Knuckles reformed them.
Tom,Maddie,Tails,Sonic,and Nadia hugged eachother even though Sonic had to pull Nadia in because she was hesitant.
They had to stay in a motel for a while while the house was fixed.

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