Chapter eighteen:A daring escape

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"If I help you escape from this place will you take me with you and we can travel back to where you live so I can leave California?"Gunner asked
"You want to go to Green hills?"Nadia asked
"Yes,I never liked this place and yours sounds peaceful."Gunner said
"I thought you were assisting Robotnik?"Nadia asked
"I know but you seem more worth helping than he is."
"I'll take you up on it;only if you promise not to try to kill me."Nadia said
"I won't try to kill you."
That night while Robotnik and Agent Stone were asleep Gunner stole the remote to Nadia's collar.
"Why do you have that?"Nadia asked
"Relax,I'm just trying to find the release button."Gunner said
Gunner eventually found the button after many failed tries.
The button released both the collar and the chains.
Nadia rubbed her neck and stood up.
"C'mon let's get going."Gunner said
Nadia and Gunner grabbed each other's hands and ran out of the room.
There was a trap in the doorway of where Nadia was kept. It was a invisible laser that scanned DNA and an alarm went off when Nadia stepped out of the room.
"Run!"Exclaimed Gunner
Nadia and Gunner started running but Robotnik and a bunch of robotic dogs stood in front of the exit.
"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?"Robotnik laughed
"Move out of the way!"Gunner said
"Oh please,why even try to escape?Even if you did escape,my newest creations would easily track you down and drag you right back here."
"And how would they do that?"Nadia asked
"I just took some DNA samples in your sleep and added it to the algorithm of my robots DNA scanners.
"How breakable are they?"Nadia asked
"I...what?"Robotnik asked
"I said,How breakable are they?"Nadia asked agai
"I may not have thought about their durability..."
Nadia summoned her shield and started bashing the robots.Gunner let his powers out.
He was able to grow glowing reddish orange spikes on his tail and shoot them out.
The two of them managed to escape the building but the robo-dogs were still after them.
Nadia and Gunner kept running away until they found a public highway.
When they reached the highway the dogs stopped chasing them and retreated back into the forest.
"Now...what...?"Gunner asked completely out of breath
"We need to find a way to Montana."
"Where's that?"Gunner asked
"Somewhere northeast."Nadia replied

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