Chapter five:The Wachowski's

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Nadia was beginning to open her eyes after hearing a very distant voice talking to her.
"Hey are you okay?"
"Hello...are you alive?"
Nadia's eyes opened slowly.
She saw a blurry blue figure standing over her.
Nadia felt like the figure could be a threat.
Nadia fully awoke and quickly backed up until her back was pressing against the dumpster.
"Woah,Woah;I'm not going to hurt you."The blue figure said
"Get away from me."Nadia growled
Nadia started panicking thinking that the hedgehog planned to hurt her.
She tapped her wrists together to activate her shield. The shield was big enough to break the dumpster even more.
The hedgehog backed away and a human approached to protect him.
"Hey;it's okay;I'm not gonna hurt you."The hedgehog said
"Why should I believe you?"Nadia asked
"Because I'm not a threat and by the looks of it neither are you."
"Look we just wanna know what you're here for."The human said
"I-I was kicked out of my home. I don't want to hurt anybody."
Nadia replied
She let her shield shrink a little but it didn't completely disappear.
Nadia began shaking from how scared she was.
"It's alright. Do you want to come with us?"The human asked
Nadia nodded and fully lowered her shield.
The hedgehog put his hand towards her to try and help her up.
Nadia didn't understand his gesture. She flinched thinking he was going to hurt her.
The hedgehog backed away and let her stand up on her own.
They went to the police station and the human walked out of the room to call someone.
Nadia sat nervously on a bench with her knees close to her chest.
There was an awkward silence within the room.
"So;what's your name?"The hedgehog asked
"What?"Nadia asked
"Well I need to call you something."
"My name is Nadia."
"I'm Sonic. Nice to meet you."
"Oh also the guy outside is named Tom Aka my best friend. "
"Cool."Nadia replied
"So why are you on earth anyway?"Sonic asked
"I was banished because I wasn't strong enough."Nadia replied
"What does you being strong have to do with anything?"
"Where I lived being strong was everything;no one cared about you if you couldn't win a fight."Nadia replied
"That sucks. Luckily earth isn't like that."Sonic replied
After a few minutes Tom walked in.
They went over to a veterinary place to make sure Nadia was okay. While she was there she got to meet a female human named Maddie.
They found a red shirt and some shorts for Nadia to wear.
After a while of begging from Sonic Tom and Maddie agreed to let Nadia stay with them as a Wachowski.

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