Chapter two:The wedding

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Nadia is now fifteen years old. Today was the welcoming ceremony for the Lupis kingdom.
No one woke Nadia that morning causing her to be late for the ceremony.
She showed up at the throne room in a dress and she was a complete mess because she had to rush.
The Lupis kingdom was there to introduce the prince in an attempt to have him married to one of the princesses. The prince's name was Torak. He was a tough looking red wolf.
Torak looked at Nadia with disgust. Out of the two princesses Torak chose Ash because she was the one that Howls Isle was most proudest of.
They were an instant match.
On the night of the wedding Torak had Nadia arrested and sent to the dungeon.
"Let me out;I didn't do anything wrong."Nadia cried out
"Shut up weakling no one wants to hear you speak."The guard replied
"Why am I here?"Nadia snarled
"King Torak will explain after his ceremony with Queen Ash."The guard replied
"King...Torak?They're not even fully married yet!"Nadia said
"The old king decided that Torak was already fit for the role without the need for marriage;He will still marry Queen Ash and gain the trust of both Howls Isle and the Lupus kingdom."
Later Torak walked into the dungeon. He was covered in royal armor with a prideful look on his face.
"Why am I here?"Nadia growled
"Because I don't want weaklings like you infecting my kingdom.
My first action as king will be too banish you from this planet using one of the ancient rings."

Nadia the banished wolf princess Book 1Where stories live. Discover now