Chapter seven:Siberia Russia

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"GET IN!"The fox yelled
Both Sonic and Nadia jumped on the car with Robotnik trying to stop them.
Sonic got the front seat wile Nadia sat in the back.
Robotnik jumped on the car and looked like he was trying to eat the windshield.
"Ew yuck;is he licking it?"
"Uh oh he's gone rabid!"Sonic started
They spun the car and drove away while Knuckles gave chase.
"I'm so glad to finally meet you guys!"The fox exclaimed
"Who are you again?"Sonic asked
"My name is Miles Prowler but everyone calls me Tails;You're probably wondering why."
"Is it because of the extra tail?"Sonic asked sarcastically
"Haha yup."Tails answered
"So why'd you swoop to save us?"Nadia asked
"Well I saw that Knuckles and Robotnik were after you and I couldn't just stand back and watch."Tails replied
"Anyway what is going on?"Sonic asked
"Oh Knuckles is hunting you down because he thinks you know where the master emerald is."
"The master emerald?That's just a bedtime story."Sonic replied
"What's the master emerald?"Nadia asked
"It's a huge emerald that gives the owner ultimate power."Tails said
Knuckles kept getting closer to the car.
"Tails let me take over!"Sonic urged
Tails moved over a quickly as he could.
Knuckles got close enough to were he could completely rip off the door.
"I got an idea!Sonic we can drive off the cliff to try and avoid Knuckles;Nadia you might need to jump out."Tails said
"Whoa Whoa,we are not doing that!"Sonic exclaimed
"Just trust me on this."Tails replied
Nadia jumped out the car before Sonic swerved off a near by cliff.
Tails quickly grabbed Sonic while the car was falling and started flying with his two tails.
"Wait are we flying?Do you have some sort of butt copter?"Sonic asked
"Ha a butt copter! Only Sonic the hedgehog can come up with that!"
"Nadia head to Wade's house so we can come up with a plan."Sonic said
Nadia nodded and ran back towards town.
They met back at Wade's house.
"Okay we need to find the master emerald and defeat Eggman."Sonic said
"So who's the fox?"Wade asked
"Hi I'm Tails;nice to meet you!"
"Welcome to the Wade Cave; I hope to one day say that to a girl who's not my mom."Wade replied
"Wade we're getting off topic here."Sonic replied
"Where do we even start looking for the master emerald?"Sonic asked
"Try checking your map. It might be useful."Tails informed
Sonic touched a part of his map and it turned into a hologram of a huge owl wearing armor.
"Long Claw?"Sonic asked to himself
Long claw told him that he was sent to earth for a purpose and that he would be the one to protect the master emerald.
She told him to find the compass located in Siberia Russia.
The message ended which upset Sonic because it's the last time he will ever see his old mentor.
Sonic summoned a ring portal to a large snowy area.
"Alright you two;let's get moving!"Sonic said
"Wait you want me to come too?"Tails asked
"Of course we're a team."Sonic answered
Sonic and Tails entered the ring portal but Nadia was hesitant.
Just seeing the portal filled her with dread.
"Nadia are you coming?"Sonic asked
"Y-yeah I'm coming."Nadia answered
Nadia went through the portal nervously.
They walked for a while in a harsh blizzard.
Suddenly there was a light up ahead.
"Look there's shelter over there!"Tails announced
"Are you sure we should go in there?"Nadia asked
"Trust me the people of earth love letting complete strangers into their homes."Sonic answered
There were three sets of winter gear in front of the small cabin.
There was a yellow set,a green set,and a bright red set.
Sonic,Tails,and Nadia put on the winter gear and went in the cabin.
Everyone just stared at them.

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