Bonus chapter:A new dog

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Tails snuck out one night and managed to recover a deactivated robot dog. Ge spent the night reprogramming it to act like a regular dog. When he turned it on its eyes it went from red to green and Tails named the dog Bandit.
When the others woke up that morning they saw the dog.
Ozzie was excited to have a new dog friend and Knuckles tried to hit Bandit thinking he was still evil.
"Wait don't attack him!"Tails exclaimed
"Why not,it is a dangerous entity that must be destroyed."Knuckles replied
Bandit whined in a sad tone.
"Aww you made him sad,it's okay buddy."Tails said
"Tails sweetie why is there another dog in the house?"Maddie asked
"I thought if I could reprogram it he would be a fun friend for Ozzie,can we keep him,I named him Bandit."Tails said
"Alright,but no more stray robots after this one got it,Unit already uses a lot of paper wroting poems."Tom asked
"Got it."Tails said

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