Chapter seventeen:Worry

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Everyone back in Green Hills worried about Nadia.Tails tried to find the sphere on his biplane but it disappeared completely. Sonic and Knuckles tried to look in the other states outside of Montana.
The Wachowski family put up missing posters but no one could find her.
They used the photo from the fishing trip and circled Nadia so no one would think the whole family was missing.
Tails sat on Nadia's bed while Tom and Maddie were putting up posters because he missed his sister.
Sonic and Knuckles were trying to find him when they saw him on Nadia's bed.
"Tails,there you are,we've been trying to look for you."Sonic said
Tails didn't answer.
Knuckles came up to the attic soon after.
"Hey what's wrong,bud?"Sonic asked
"Do you think she's coming back?"Tails asked
"She'll find her way back eventually."Sonic assured
"What if she already escaped and she's just lost?"
"I am sure Nadia will come back just fine,she is very capable."Knuckles said
Tom and Maddie came back an hour later to find all three kids asleep on Nadia's bed.
"They really miss her."Maddie said
"I wish she took her phone with her when they left,maybe I shouldn't have let them go up there."Tom said
"Hey,don't blame yourself;none of this is your fault."Maddie said
"If I ever see Robotnik I'm going to punch him in his face again."Tom growled
"Hey,maybe you can make him look like an actual egg."Maddie joked
"I hate that guy."Tom said
"Yeah so do I."
Tom and Maddie went downstairs to cook dinner.
Sonic was still secretly awake.He felt like it was his fault that Nadia was gone.
He felt like if he was a little faster he could've caught up to the sphere and freed Nadia.

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