Chapter eight:The compass

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Inside the building was a busy tavern with an old cabin aesthetic.
"Table for three please!"Sonic requested
They were handed three paper menu's but they didn't open them.
Tails spoke into one of his inventions.
"Three beef stews please."
The small machine translated Tails's words into russian.
The waitress scoffed and walked away.
A couple minutes later the waitress came back with three soups that looked like tongues rather than beef.
"Uh Excuse me;We ordered the beef stews."Tails said
The translater bugged out.
"Your breath smells like a wet dog."
"Excuse me?"The lady said in Russian
"Uh I think there's been a misunderstanding."Sonic said
"Stand back I just farted."
The lady got mad and ripped off their jackets.
"Throw these freaks into the fire!"a Russian man exclaimed
A bunch of people crowded them and dragged them over to the fire.
"Hey what gives?"Tails asked
"I think we accidentally insulted them."Nadia said
"Tails we need to do something!"Sonic exclaimed
"I'm scanning Siberian customs."
"Put me down,I will bite!"Nadia growled
Tails found something that triggered a dance fight.
(Skipping this part because I don't know how to write a dance fight.)
They won the dance fight with the respect of everyone and was allowed to stay the night.
"Wow only Sonic the hedgehog can win a dance battle that epic!"Tails exclaimed
"Stick with me pal;I'll keep you safe;I know a lot of stuff about earth."Sonic said
"Do you really mean it?"
"Well I know important stuff but not a whole lot..."
"I mean about being your pal?"
"Of course I do."Sonic replied
The next morning they found the mountain that contained the compass.
Nadia had to be practically dragged up the mountain by Tails and Sonic because the mountain was covered in ice and Howls isle was set in a warm climate with no snow.
"Look we're here!"Tails exclaimed running into a small icy cave.
"Tails wait up!"Sonic said
The three of them walked into part of the cave that had a giant owl statue.
The statue had a puzzle and Sonic was able to solve it.
The compass appeared from the owl. The compass looked like three golden rings with a ball in the middle.

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