Chapter fourteen:A string of bad luck

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(Warning:kidnapping,gas is used)
Nadia and the others were allowed to hang out in the station 
Sonic,Tails,Knuckles,and Nadia overheard Wade talking about three flying balls on top of a small cliff up north. 
The four of them headed out towards that direction. 
When they got to the top of the cliff they saw a large metal sphere with a certain symbol on its side. 
The symbol was none other than Robotnik's. 
The ball seemed to be scanning for something. 
"It's one of Robotnik's drones!"Exclaimed Sonic 
"I thought he was gone."Tails replied 
"We must get rid of them before they can do any harm."Knuckles said 
"Shouldn't we find out what it wants first?"Nadia asked
"There's no time;We just need to smash all three of them."Sonic replied 
Nadia sighed as they climbed into the ball's sight. 
They activated their weapons and they opened up to show it was hollow on the inside. 
"It's a capturing device!"Tails informed 
The balls started shooting at them. 
Knuckles and Sonic were trying to smash one while Tails and Nadia fought the other two. Nadia smashed one but lost the other one.
She tried to look for it but then it appeared behind Tails. 
"TAILS LOOK OUT!"Nadia yelled 
Nadia ran to push Tails out of the way before it could capture him. 
It closed on Nadia and flew upwards. 
"MISSION COMPLETE!"The ball said 
"NADIA NO!"Sonic yelled 
Nadia tried to hit the walls of the ball. 
"LET ME OUT!"Nadia replied 
Sonic ran down the cliff and tried to use it as a ramp to try and grab the ball as it flew away. 
He was almost able to grab it but it was just out of reach. Sonic fell into a nearby forest and fell on his stomach. He was hurt pretty badly by the fall. 
"Nadia...come back...please"Sonic groaned 
Knuckles and Tails ran behind him. 
"Sonic,are you okay,Where's Nadia?"Tails asked
"Robotnik took her,I tried to get her back but I-"
"It's alright,This is not your fault Sonic,We will get her back."Knuckles said
"What are we going to say to Mom and Dad?"Sonic asked
"We will tell them what we have to do."Knuckles replied 
Meanwhile Nadia was still trying to bust out of the sphere.  
A small screen appeared in the ball. 
"Hello little Dog."Robotnik smirked 
"What do you want with me?"Nadia growled 
"You don't have to worry about that for right now,just sleep."
Suddenly gas started to fill the inside.  
Nadia started to feel drowsy and passed out. 

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