I | Stoneheart; part¹

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It's your first day at Collège Françoise Dupont, and you were excited. You double checked your bags making sure you had everything needed. Finally walking out your room, you set your school bag by the front door to be sure you wouldn't forget it on your way out. You sat down on your couch turning on the tv; since it was your first day you decided to wake up extra early so you'd have some time to spear. After watching a bit of tv you decided to make a small breakfast for yourself.

Your parents walked out their bedroom yawning while you put toast in the toaster. "Good morning, [Y/N]." Your mother kissed your forehead. "You're up awfully early." You leaned against the counter waiting for the bread to toast. "I had to make sure I was extra ready for school today."

Your dad sighed, flopping down on the couch. "You're just like your mother." He smiled at the two of you. He relaxed into the couch almost as if he were falling asleep again. Then loud snores came from the couch and your mom rushed to wake him up. She lightly pushed his shoulder, "don't you think you should get ready for work too, honey?"

"Hm? Oh, right." He got back up walking back into their room bumping into the doorway on the way in, which finally made him wake up completely.

Your toast popped up and you set it on a plate; taking out your favorite spread and putting it on the pieces of toast. It was about half an hour before school so you decided to start walking there now. "Bye!" You called to your parents. "Bye, [Y/N]!" Your mom kissed your cheek.

The morning air was nice and cool. You were happy you were at a walking distance from your house to the school, tho it was still quite a walk. Your eyes stayed locked on the ground, with the occasional looking up at a tree or some random object. Until you past an elderly man looking as if he were struggling to carry multiple things. You had a slight hesitation, but fought against it and helped him. He smiled kindly at you; "Thank you!" You took a step back nodding at him. "Of course! Have a good rest of your day, sir." You walked away without a thought about it.

When you reached the school, you looked around at all the other students talking in their own groups and such. As you were walking around you lost focus on your surroundings and bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry!" You quickly apologized. It was a shorter girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes. "It's okay! It was an accident!" You smiled at them rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. "I'm rose." She introduced herself. "I'm [Y/N]." She grabbed your hand pulling you along with her. "I can introduce you to my other friend!" She led you to another girl about the same height as you. She had long black hair with purple tips and side bangs that covered an eye. When she noticed you her cheeks flushed a light pink. "Juleka! This is [Y/N]!" Rose walked beside Juleka wrapping her arm around theirs. "[Y/N], this is Juleka!" You smiled waving at Juleka. "Hi!" Juleka muttered something, but you and Rose talked the majority of the time before class started.

Students fluttered into the classroom one by one filling up the seats. "You can sit in the back with Juleka and I!" Rose said. You sat in between the two looking around at all the other students. There was some commotion between three of the girls fighting over a seat. One being an obviously spoiled bratty girl with her tone of voice and how she acted. A girl with ombré brown-orange hair a little bit past shoulder length defends the helpless girl pulling her to another seat. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, was what the spoiled girl called the girl who's seat she took; so you could only assume that was her name.

"Hello, everyone! For those of you who don't yet know me, I'm Miss Bustier. I'll be your teacher this year." The teacher went on talking about her class and the school until the bell rang once again. "For those of you who have pe, meet Mr. D'argencourt at the stadium. The rest of you can go over to the library."

Rose looked over to you, "do you have pe?" You shook your head, causing her to frown. "Oh, I guess we'll see each other later then?" She stated, sounding more like a question though. "Yeah! Bye, guys!"

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